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Purple Heart rated 50%

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marnie Mowles
Date: Feb 13, 2008 9:27 PM
To: usmc81@gmail.com

My very close friend who is 100% T&P Disabled Combat Veteran and has a Purple heart received a free computer. Here is the information >

If you have a Purple Heart and are rated 50% or greater service connected you may qualify for a free computer. You will have to have proof that you have a Purple Heart and a VA Letter stating your percent of rating . They want your percent of rating not dollar amount. You will also have to fill out an application and this will be sent to a review board to see if you qualify. The number you will need to call is 951-926-2210 and ask for The Special Projects Office. This is through the Help Hospitalized Veterans.

Forever Grateful For Our Veterans,
Marnie Mowles

"Honoring Those Who Have Given So Much "
"All Gave Some/Some Gave All "
"Have You Thanked A Veteran Today?"

Posted : 2008-02-13 21:34
Posts: 0
New Member

Combat related

I recieved, computer, printer, camera & supply of paper from the VA years back. They thought I should record my expieience in couple wars as a therapy. My injuries were 60% with the unemployment category. The doctor was trying to get me to apply for PTSD which I donot go along with. SF PM

Posted : 2008-02-13 23:59
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Computers and many other things you wouldn't believe can be be awarded to you if you are 100% or if you are unemployable. Some VA offices seem not to know about it or don't want to know.

It is handled under the vocational rehab people and is under a program titled Quality of life.

Besides some of the items mentioned I know of people that have recieved tools, wood working tools, ramps. and even Polaris 4 wheel drive vehicle.

The idea is to give the veteran a reason to want to live. To give the veteran a hobby and/or the means to do something productive.

I'm not sure but have heard the limit is over $25,000.00 per vet.

Posted : 2010-02-22 00:43
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Find out what you have coming to you.

Just thought this was worth bringing back to the top.

For those of you that are 100% service connected disabled just the 100% regular compensation may not be all that you are due.

You may be entitiled to Special monthy compensation (SMC) that could triple the amount of money you recieve.

I've talked to many veterans that thought they were recieving all that was due to them only to find out that they were only recieving part of what was availble to them.

You definitely can't depend on VA or even your representatve (DAV or whoever) to tell you about them. I found that the people in the DAV office were totally unaware of some aspects of the VA compensation process.

Posted : 2010-04-18 11:51
Posts: 420
Reputable Member

V A info

va watchdog ,jimstrickland912, & for cfr 38 stuff the gov printing office web site. thats how i found out they figured my rating incorrectly and my VSO said i should give them a six month rest before i file or disagree ! and maybe monkeys will fly outta my......:D sf kc

non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!

Posted : 2010-04-18 12:23
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

lurch;26409 wrote: va watchdog ,jimstrickland912, & for cfr 38 stuff the gov printing office web site. thats how i found out they figured my rating incorrectly and my VSO said i should give them a six month rest before i file or disagree ! and maybe monkeys will fly outta my......:D sf kc

if you are filing a NOD or appeal DON'T wait 6mos. The faster you file the sooner you will get an answer on it. If you wait 1 day to long your appeal is moot.

Posted : 2010-04-30 16:49