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PTSDs get $2299.00 ...
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PTSDs get $2299.00 monthly

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We are departing from the monthly history format that you are so familiar with. It is being reported that the V.A. is reinvestigating over 72,000 veterans disability claims for Vietnam service connected P.T.S.D. for claims of possible fraud. In a recent article, Rick Rogers of the Union-Tribune wrote the following about this recent V.A. effort.

"A government review of 72,000 post-traumatic stress disorder cases planned for early next year is an excuse to cut benefits for older veterans and toughen qualifications for future ones, veterans groups and other critics contend. The Department of Veterans Affairs intends to examine cases from 1999 to 2004 in which 100 percent disability benefits were granted primarily for combat stress. The process is expected to last about a year. In San Diego County, about 2,000 veterans have qualified for the rating of total disability caused mainly by combat stress. They each receive a monthly tax-free payment of $2,299. It is not known how many of those cases will be scrutinized.

The review seemed necessary after an audit of 2,100 such cases nationally found that 25 percent of the VA-approved awards lacked adequate documentation to prove eligibility, said department spokesman Phil Budahn. He said Veterans Affairs has tightened oversight of its program this year by requiring more proof."

There is no reason for any Marine Corps Vietnam Veteran to LACK ADEQUATE DOCUMENTATION TO PROVE ELIGIBILITY. We provide essential documentation for V.A. claims online. All the V.A. requires is supporting documentation such as unit command chronologies and after action reports to satisfy the V.A. and validate an event or circumstance supporting service connection. DO NOT WAIT TO RECEIVE A LETTER FROM THE V.A. THAT YOUR CASE HAS BEEN SELECTED FOR REASSESSMENT. Get your in country unit records now and be prepared to confirm and document each and every event which supports your disability rating and service connection. If a veteran with PTSD loses his or her valid disability benefits, who will be there to help? CONTACT THE V.A. DISABILITY COMMISION NOW!

(202) 756-7729, 1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, 5th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004

Executive Director: Ray Wilburn (202) 756-2293 email: vetscommision@va.gov

Write to your elected representatives and express your outrage at this policy and demand an end to this practice. You or a brother Marine could be next! Stand together, Semper Fi.


Posted : 2005-10-05 07:30
Posts: 49
Eminent Member

VA announced on 10 Nov, 2005, that it had decided to cancel the review. Those that would have been affected can thank the pressure applied by VFW members.. They have been acknowledged as having been the leaders in the effort to reverse the original VA decision..

Posted : 2006-01-07 14:21