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PTSD Point Man International

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Posting this for Skip...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Skip Jones]'
Date: Jan 5, 2007 6:55 PM
Subject: PTSD
To: webmaster@popasmoke.com

To Whom it concerns:

Last issue of popasmoke you ran a story about keeping the faith and Ron Zaczek and his struggle with PTSD.

It might be of interest to other vets to learn about an origination called Point Man International.

Years ago, when I left Nam, I had the feeling of leaving a "job" unfinished. this feeling has bothered me for years, from 1966 until 2006. Then I was introduced to Point Man.

We started an outpost in Hermiston Ore in May of 2006.

This is a program ran by veterans, for veterans whom have problems with PTSD. In WW1 it was called shell shock. In WW2 it was called combat fatigue. In the Korean War it was called solders heart. In the Viet Nam war it was called PTSD. And in the present war they are calling it PTSD.

We try to show them, the Vets that there is hope and salvation from this feeling.

If anyone would like to know more about the Point Man International Ministry and the programs we provide, please contact me at pointmanumatilla@hotmail.com

I served with the corps from 1962 untill1966 and with HMM162 and HMM361 from 1964 through 1966 in Nam.

Simper Fi

In His Service,

Preston(Skip) Jones

Posted : 2007-01-05 21:47
Posts: 592
Honorable Member


You will be happy to know that Point Man has been at the Wall at least as long as the Popasmoke booth. Mike & Bunny come down from West VA and have been praying for people each Memorial Week-end and MC Birthday & Veteran's Day. Mike joins us as we do our Memorial Service (which is very hard for him) each time we are there. Bunny feeds us cookies and we in turn feed them whenever we order out. Great people and a great ministry.


Posted : 2007-01-05 22:53
Posts: 189
Reputable Member


Pardon me for correcting you, but the term "PTSD" did not come into use until 1980 or 81. The reason I bothered to correct you is that I cannot remember what, if any, term was used prior to that to explain the disorder in Viet Vets. Anybody?

Ironically, one of the Drs. who misdiagnosed my husband in 1976 and again in 1983 weeks prior to his death, had the cojones to look me in the face in 2003, after my congressman suggested that he speak to me after avoiding my calls and letters for several years, and say that "they" didn't know what "that" was then. His son was a Marine, too, but I don't know what era.

It was one of those minutes where time stopped and the look on his face indicated fear of me. I am happy to report he has passed on and I hope that he gets plenty of what he gave, grief to many.

Posted : 2007-02-02 20:02
Posts: 189
Reputable Member

Yet another shortage

Didn't know where to post this, so I put it here..

Navy Psychologist Warns of Mental Health Provider, PTSD Training Shortfalls

From his distant vantage point treating Marines at a base in Iwakuni, Japan, [Navy Cmdr. Mark] Russell, 46, has been speaking out for three years that the U.S. military faces a mental health crisis in the treatment of its combat veterans.

He has fired off memos to higher command and has gone public with his views, an unusual step for many in the military. Russell discussed his concerns in phone and Internet interviews. "We cannot provide the standard of care to treat PTSD via psychotherapy when we can barely keep up with new referrals and have to manage crises while filling in for the staffing gaps and vacancies due to deployment, attrition or no billeting," Russell says. "This is why I have been so outspoken."

Russell testified at the Pentagon's Task Force on Mental Health hearings in San Diego recently, pointing to the following problems:

•Mental health trauma is on the rise. Army studies show that more than a third of combat-deployed troops seek mental health care when they return home.

•Training for mental health professionals is inadequate. A survey by Russell of 133 military mental health providers done from 2003-05 shows that 90% of the psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers reported no formal training or supervision in four PTSD therapies recommended by the Pentagon and Department of Veterans Affairs.

•Staffing is down. Russell says vacancies remain for mental health providers in the Navy. In addition, psychiatrists and psychologists deployed overseas deplete resources at home, and burnout makes it hard to keep skilled therapists on staff, he says. His concerns were supported by a 2005 Army study showing one of three mental health providers deployed in the war zone report high burnout or low motivation or morale.

Klam says the Army and Navy have emphasized providing mental health counseling in war zones at an unprecedented level. As a result, he says, the military has a record of returning more than 98% of troops with emotional issues back to their units.

Posted : 2007-02-02 20:11
Posts: 189
Reputable Member

Alternative PTSD Treatments Show Promise

Article discusses several alternative treatments for PTSD along with the "traditional" ones.

I'd post entire article but for fear of some copyright violation. I am not advocating any blog or online paper, I just post articles that I believe may be of interest to those that come here.


Posted : 2007-04-10 08:49