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Naval Cmdr Files Co...
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Naval Cmdr Files Complaint To Pentagon's IG

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Posts: 189
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PTSD expert says Navy trying to silence him

By Gregg Zoroya - USA Today
Posted : Friday Jun 22, 2007 5:32:40 EDT

A Navy expert in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder says the service is trying to silence him for criticizing the quality of mental health care in the military.

Cmdr. Mark Russell, 47, has filed a complaint with the Pentagon’s inspector general claiming his chance for career advancement has been blocked. He says he was isolated from the media after describing in a Jan. 17 USA Today article a “perfect storm” looming in the military’s mental health system.

“If we permit the silencing and maltreatment of military personnel that dare to care and lawfully communicate known public health concerns, what is the message sent up and down the military hierarchy?” Russell asks in his complaint, a copy of which he provided to USA Today. The Navy confirmed the authenticity of the complaint.

Rest of article here,

Posted : 2007-06-24 14:06