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Medical Mistakes

2 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 189
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In keeping with the unfolding scandal at Walter Reed, now is a good time to trot out this 2003 paper about the state of our nation's medical system. I have some other, shorter articles on the same subject if any one is interested.

I wish I had the means to take off to Walter Reed, and every other military hospital, for a look see, be a thorn in the side of those who let the system get in this sorry shape, and more importantly, volunteer to assist those recovering vets.

Attached files

image_3001.pdf (464.6 KB) 

Posted : 2007-02-24 08:39
Posts: 189
Reputable Member
Topic starter

Walter Reed

Okay, now they have scape-goated someone, but that doesn't mean the conditions will improve, may be part of the smoke and pony show. Can't let up on them. Painting over mold is a no-no.

Yes, I know, I mixed my metaphors, but I like it.

Posted : 2007-03-01 20:18