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Many thanks

3 Posts
3 Users
L R Gilton
Posts: 18
Active Member
Topic starter

As usual Marines take care of each other. My recent post on prostate cancer plus resulted in answers to each and every answer to questions I had not even thought of. The posting By John Van Nortwick should be required reading, it was what I had scanned and did not remember. The Marines that answered the post ...well it seems that I know you all but crs has taken its toll. I have contacted my local VA rep and the paper flow has started. Special thanks to my "Friend" Alpha golf". Da Vinchi surgery is scheduled. S/F L R Gilton

Posted : 2008-02-15 18:51
Posts: 0
New Member

further news

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Date: Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 7:09 PM


L R Gilton (HMH-363 RVN/HMH-463 K Bay) had recently made a couple posts regarding discovery of his Prostate Cancer and starting radiation treatment for it. He had the "golden "seeds" implanted about a month ago and was supposed to start the radiation treatment this past Friday, 4/11/2008. However, this past Wednesday, 4/9/2008, he had a "Heart Attack" and has been hospitalized.

I spoke with him on Friday and he seemed to be in good spirits and joking about all of a sudden "falling apart". I spoke with his wife, Leola, today and she informed me that there was no apparent internal damage to the heart nor arteries; his problem was caused by "Congestive Heart Failure" and he was in surgery at that time having a device implanted which would send an electrical shock to his heart as needed to keep the old ticker ticking. Leola said they are expecting to go home tomorrow or the next day.

Will update as soon as possible.

Semper Fidelis,
Arthur G Friend
"Alfa Golf"

Posted : 2008-04-21 21:39
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

L R Gilton Medical Update

Just spoke with Ray, 1045 cdt, 4/23/2008. What he actually had was "Ventricular Tachycardia" and they installed a defibulator. He was waiting for release to go home.

Any well wishes, cards, etc can be sent to: L R Gilton, 528 West Main, Sparkman, AR 71763. Phone contact: home (870)678-2583 or cell (870)678-3533.

Semper Fidelis,
Arthur G Friend
"Alfa Golf"
HMH-463 KBay

Posted : 2008-04-23 12:00