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AO Victims Sue Chem...
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AO Victims Sue Chemical Companies

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Agent Orange Victims Sue Chemical Companies For Compensation
Posted on Monday, 18 of June , 2007 at 5:16 pm

NEW YORK—A lawsuit on behalf of Vietnamese victims of Agent Orange was argued Monday before the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals. A companion case on behalf of U.S. Vietnam War veterans was also argued before the Second Circuit earlier in the day.

The lawsuit on behalf of the Vietnamese plaintiffs charges the U.S. chemical companies that profited from the manufacture of Agent Orange - including Dow Chemical, Monsanto, and 35 others - with knowingly providing the U.S. government with a poisonous agent to be sprayed indiscriminately on civilians and seeks compensation, clean-up and medical monitoring and support.

Said Vietnamese plaintiff Nguyen Van Quy who is in the end stage of multiple cancers and has two children with severe birth defects, “We have come to the Court seeking justice. The chemical companies must be forced to pay compensation to me and my children”.

The case was initiated by the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin, which represents Vietnam’s more than three million victims of Agent Orange. A U.S. organization, the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign, organized a visiting delegation representing these victims that arrived in the U.S. on June 9 to meet with veterans’ groups, members of Congress, and the public and will continue on to Midland, Michigan (the corporate home of Dow Chemical,) Chicago and San Francisco.

Rest of article here,


Posted : 2007-06-19 15:23