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Tweeds Tigers - Mack Tweed

1 Posts
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Posts: 592
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From Doug Tweed at tweedmin@embarqmail.com

I wanted to get the word out to my dad's fellow Marines that he (Col McDonald "Mac" Tweed) has moved into hospice care this morning. I am very grateful for the love and respect so many of the men who served with my Dad have shown him over the years. Please let me know who to contact, and I will send the information on memorial services when Dad passes on and those times and places are set. Knowing many who might like to be there will be unable to attend because of the distance, etc., we will also welcome over email any comments anyone wishes to share. God bless you, and "Semper Fi"! Doug Tweed, former Capt., USMC.

Posted : 2015-02-05 09:27