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Sad day

8 Posts
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Prayers and best wishes to the families of the four Marines killed in Chattanooga yesterday... Another peace loving muslim strikes again....
When will we ever learn?

Posted : 2015-07-17 12:17
Posts: 4415
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TAPS, RIP Brothers

Posted : 2015-07-18 06:46
Posts: 4630
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Sad - and angry

Posted : 2015-07-18 07:37
Posts: 0
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No words to Come! 1 question tho , Mr president how do you play around with rattle snakes (Iran) ? When they have and still say Death to America? War of its kind is HERE not in Middle east .

Posted : 2015-07-18 14:22
Posts: 44
Eminent Member

Now our Sec. of Def. and Navy are ordering Recruiter NOT to wear their uniforms--the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor they worked hard to get and few earn. What kind of honor is this ? Re-arm them as they were in the past, stop the political correctness, abolish the no firearm zones, and let our military get back to doing their mission !!

Posted : 2015-07-19 08:40
Posts: 3133
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Sounds like a plan to me.....

Posted : 2015-07-19 18:00
Posts: 4415
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Who picks these jerks to be in charge, never mind we know!

Posted : 2015-07-20 07:48
Posts: 0
New Member

timothy;n48414 wrote: Who picks these jerks to be in charge, never mind we know!

Well Fellow Marines I have explain to my Kids and Grand Kids about not even using the word (HATE) , but I'm getting to a point that it may happen sooner then I ever wanted . For me to fall to the level to USE THIS word HATE! That day they told us Crew members that we could not fire unless fired at . Remember How crazy that order was?? Never in my wildness Dream could I order my crew to follow. BUT I Did with a little added. You guys can and will see things that I can't, being that I can not be every where so as you feel the danger do as we are taught. Fight back for all of us.

Posted : 2015-07-22 22:27