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MSGT Ronnie Lee Pen...
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MSGT Ronnie Lee Penninger

2 Posts
1 Users
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Dear Pop-A-Smoke:

My Father, MSGT Ronnie Lee Penninger, has been diagnosed with inoperable cancer. He was a member of HMM-162 (Da Nang) and HMX-1, among other squadrons.

He is in Mary Washington Hospital, Fredericksburg, Virginia, Room 4001. He is in serious shape and needs prayers and thoughts. My mother, Patsy, wanted me to contact the Pop-A-Smoke guys and alert you to his condition.

He is a strong man, with an amazing history. But most of all, he is a wonderful man, Father, husband, and Marine. Please pray for him. If you have time, drop him a note at...

Ron Penninger
6 Fox Street
Stafford VA 22556

Or you could call him on the phone at 540-760-4847.

It would motivate him greatly if he heard from family and friends. He really loves Pop-a-Smoke. When he joined and went to the reunions, he was reborn being with his old buddies.


Chief Petty Officer Ron Penninger, USNR

Posted : 2009-04-08 20:51
Posts: 0
New Member

Update April 19

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ron penninger
Date: Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 17:20


Please pass to all Pop-a-smoke, HMM-162 and HMX-1 guys:

My Father, MSGT Ron Penninger, is not doing well at all and is very gravely ill. We had to move him from home hospice care back to Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA. The family greatly appreciates the many words, calls, and emails we received for my Dad. Please keep Top and us in your prayers. You can contact my Mother and Top at 703-819-1962.


-Ron Penninger (Son)

Posted : 2009-04-19 17:32