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Major Charles Fleis...
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Major Charles Fleischer

6 Posts
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From: malcolmedwina@bellsouth.net [mailto:malcolmedwina@bellsouth.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 9:23 AM

This is somewhat out of the ordinary for me. My old XO from MABS 26 and long term very good amigo, Major Charles Fleischer - Silver star and two DFCs from Nam - USMC (ret), recently injured his back doing some construction work on his home in California. While in hospital at Mather and Travis AFBs, the docs found signivicant cancers in lungs, liver, kidney, hip and a couple other places. He is going through the chemo/radiation treatment with a guarded prognosis. My request to you all is that you keep a fellow Marine in your prayers. He is a good guy too.
Thanks, Buck and Semper Fi, Y'all.

Posted : 2009-01-26 08:55
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Re: Chuck

Wally... please pass along to Chuck my hopes for a quick diagnosis, and a quicker period of recovery after he starts those rotten chemo treatments. I've served with Chuck, as you did, back on the East Coast 30 plus years ago, and I remember him as a good guy, a super pilot, and a great Marine. Tell him to keep his chin up, hang tough and to keep the faith.... Mike Sullivan

PS.... I too live in SOCAL, so if you can send me his address, I'd like to send him a card, or maybe stop by the hosipital when I get back from Florida, where I've just spent a week freezing my butt off... S/F.... Mike

Posted : 2009-01-26 11:18
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Re: Major Charles Fleischer

I was just thinking I had not seen this or some how I miss it . So was wondering if MIKE you had more up to date on Chuck Fleischer? At some point in the past I had talk to him by phone. Hope to hear! Thanks JJ HALL/ GOD SPEED

Posted : 2011-08-09 00:01
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Re: Major Charles Fleischer

Jerry... Sorry but I never got a response back to my original post. That was 2 1/2 years ago and I don't recall seeing anything after that notification....Maybe no news is good news... s/f Mike

Posted : 2011-08-09 11:01
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Re: Major Charles Fleischer

Thanks MIKE for the reply. I'll try to look up some of my past e-mails and maybe the phone numbers I had will still be around. Either way I'll see what I can find and let you know as I proceed. Would like to keep in better touch with you too. Semper FI JJ

Posted : 2011-08-09 22:16
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Re: Major Charles Fleischer

mike sullivan;33618 wrote: Jerry... Sorry but I never got a response back to my original post. That was 2 1/2 years ago and I don't recall seeing anything after that notification....Maybe no news is good news... s/f Mike

Strange things happen! Today I was reviewing a DVD that one of Hmm262 pilots made up and sent me. While viewing the DVD he had put the Names on the Old Tigers as they came into the shots. Here was a shot with a few Marines and Chuck Fleischer was named ( I had to back up and play again) For I seen that RTB was under Chucks picture. Date was April of 09! I am going to try to find out more if I can! What a strange Day! . JJ HALL 262 Hope more of us start keeping up with our Marines !So we can Know what and how their doing.:o

Posted : 2011-08-10 22:22