I know we all have those on our prayer list to include friends and family as well as those that currently go in harms way.
I have a nephew who is a Navy Doc who just got into country (Afghanistan) and was originally assigned to the 81st Airborne. I know, Navy Doc assigned to the Army?
In any case I spoke to him today and he is on his way to Camp Leatherneck to be with 2d MEB. They've got 5 corpsmen and no doctor.
Told him he was going where he was supposed to be.
Would appreciate you all adding him to your thoughts and prayers along with all the others deployed.
Doc added to my list
Doc you are an important man assigned with importent men. We carry all of you in our prayers dailty. SF PM
Prayers sent, Slick.
My prayers are there for him and all of our people in harms way.
Slick prayers for him and all of our people in harms way
prayers and best wishes
GOD bless the Doc and all our people over there... and here to !
non illigitimus carborundum:)MAF gripe ... deadbugs on windshield...action taken...R&R with live bugs!