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Dave Caldon, HMA-36...
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Dave Caldon, HMA-369

10 Posts
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bob Rohrer
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 22:56:18 -0400
Subject: A Marine needs some cheer...
Forwarded from Josh West, Parris Island Plt 308 Marine. www.platoon308.com

Please keep Dave Caldon, Vietnam Marine chopper pilot in your prayers as he fights his battle with cancer caused by AO. Short story below...

A Blue Mountain Card or an email will let Dave know we care. Feel free to drop contact him davecaldon@cox.net.
Semper Fidelis
Bob Rohrer

It is the summer of 2007 and my friend Dave Caldon and I have turned 65. We kid each other; I was born on the first day of The Battle of Midway June 4th.and he on the last day, June 6th. in 1942, one of the twin turning points of WWII. Dave and I are also former Marines, he much more ALL MARINE; in statue, in bearing, and in sacrifice for God and Country. Which is why he needs your help. Dave was a Chopper pilot in Vietnam, winning the Silver Star at Khe Sanh, one of the Marine's most heroic battles in history where we had 730 KIA and 2642 Wounded to 10,000-15000 losses by the North Vietnamese. 6000 troops to 30000. As a result of Agent Orange, Dave was diagnosed with small cell cancer in the early 90's and given only a 15% chance of survival but fought and won. He recently had a reoccurance in several places but that same Doctor feels with advances today, he has a much better chance but he faces a terrible time with the treatment. I pray for his recovery and I hope you will keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Barbara and I love Dave and his wife Susie who we know to be two of the most genuine people we have ever known. He's going to win this battle but every little bit of good will helps. I am enclosing his email if you want to contact him. davecaldon@cox.net

Thanks for listening.

Posted : 2007-08-24 20:47
Mike Mullen
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

Dave Caldon

Dave is one of the finest men I know.....I have admired and respected him since we flew together in 1972.....

He is stubborn, devious, clever, sneaky, smart, and a tough fighter....and I pity those cancer cells!

I will pray for him every day, until he is back on the flight schedule.

Semper Fidelis,


Posted : 2007-08-24 22:18
Posts: 0
New Member

Dave Caldon

After all of these years,
I still can't bring myself to call the then Captain, now Retired Lieutenant Colonel Caldon by his first name. The Colonel is not only one of the finest men, he is also one of the finest Marine, Officer and Pilot that I have had to pleasure to meet and fly with. He is a man of his word and strong in character. He has the strength and ability to overcome many obtacles. He is our "Super Grunt" for those that served with him in HMM-164. They don't hand the Silver Star to just anyone. He is someone special and very special to me. I pray for his speedy recovery.

Keep him in your prayers.

Posted : 2007-08-25 00:16
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

I don't know Dave but I told him in an e-mail to keep up the fight and get to our reunion in DC next summer.

Posted : 2007-08-26 08:44
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A thought to cheer up Dave Caldon

Sam.... Sorry it's taken me so long to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your book "Flying Death" The Vietnam Experience. The next time I get back to Connecticut we need to get together over a couple of beers and I'll give you my insight as one of the original HMM 164 pilots.

However, the real reason for this post is that Dave Caldon is also a good friend and it just dawned on me that there is something that you could do for him as he fights the big "C" . Why don't you send him an autographed copy of your book?

Maybe you could "dog ear" page 147 and high lite a few paragraphs on page 150... I know that your kind words and recollections of Dave as a Marine in Vietnam will mean a lot to him... Just a thought..

PS... Back in July a bunch of the Shadrick/Corliss era pilots from HMM262 and the HMM164 transplants held a mini reunion in Vegas. Over a few brews in the suite/hooch, I entertained them with various excerps out of your book, which I had just received the day before we drove up from SoCal. Needless to say you brought back a lot of memories... take care s/f Mike Sullivan

Posted : 2007-08-27 16:25
Posts: 0
New Member

Dave Daldon

Mike, I am way ahead of you and your thoughts - and I will be looking for you coming through this tiny state.

Posted : 2007-08-28 01:28
Posts: 0
New Member

Dave Caldon

Word was received that Dave has had a relapse with his battle with his cancer. He is currently in the Hospice Program. Keep him and his family in your prayers.

Our Super Grunt - Silver Star recipiant - Great Pilot and Friend from HMM-164 Keep on turning and burning.

Semper Fi - My Brother

Posted : 2007-12-03 00:19
Mike Mullen
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

Dave Caldon


I love you brother; and I'm praying for you and your family.
You are one of my "heroes" for many reasons, and I miss your humor and integrity.

Semper Fidelis,


Posted : 2007-12-03 13:28
Bill Weaver
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Dave, keep your turns up and stay out of the weeds.
God go with you my friend.
Semper Fidelis
Bill Weaver

Posted : 2007-12-04 20:00
Mike Mullen
Posts: 65
Trusted Member

Dave Caldon, Lt. Col. USMC (Ret.)

Ron Osborne just wrote to me; that Mike Bargy had just called to say that Dave had passed away yesterday. He was with his family. He is now with more family, including some great Marines that went on ahead to recon the LZ! I miss him already. Pray for Susie and the rest of his family.

I know that Dave is with his Lord, and the rest of the guys. He probably looks like a six-year old on Christmas morning, right about now.

Semper Fidelis,


Posted : 2007-12-15 19:14