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Dale Ellingsworth H...
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Dale Ellingsworth HMM 263

8 Posts
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Posts: 98
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Dale is lost in vascular dementia. He is not completely gone. but life has surely changed for him. It is a joy to remember San Diego. He will be about 100% into the VA care program on April 20.
Judy Ellingsworth

Judy, our thoughts and prayers go out to Dale, you and your family.

Posted : 2015-04-13 16:55
Posts: 46
Trusted Member

Re: Dale Ellingsworth HMM 263


I have many fond memories of you and Dale attending our reunions, especially our squadron dinners. Both Jan and I are sorry to hear of his illness.

Our prayers and thought are for to you and your family.

S/F Gary

Posted : 2015-04-13 23:57
Posts: 4607
Active Members

Re: Dale Ellingsworth HMM 263

I served with him in HMM-365 the last half of 69 when I returned from Vietnam.
He gave me my last NATOPS check in the Corps. He knew his job!

Posted : 2015-04-14 07:22
Posts: 3133
Active Members

Re: Dale Ellingsworth HMM 263

Dale was in HMM-365 in 66-67 when I was there, He and Jim Mazur were were both E-6 and section leaders on the flight line. a GREAT guy, saw him in Orlando with Mazur for the first time since. Thanks Judy, for letting us know. Prayers and best wishes to you folks!

Posted : 2015-04-14 21:20
Ray Norton
Posts: 322
Reputable Member

Re: Dale Ellingsworth HMM 263

I am alive because of Dale's quick thinking on a difficult mission. As he tells it, it was just another day at the office; not so. Humble, honorable, perfect poster Marine. And more... That's Dale and family.


Raymond J. Norton

1513 Bordeaux Place

Norfolk, VA 23509-1313

(757) 623-1644

Posted : 2015-04-15 09:45
Posts: 0

Re: Dale Ellingsworth HMM 263

Dale was a great mentor to me while I was in the Corps. I have all ways had and will have tremendous respect for him. Please put your arms around him and tell him Bob Kemp sends a hug.

Posted : 2015-05-01 16:18
Posts: 46
Trusted Member

Re: Dale Ellingsworth HMM 263

I spoke to Judy this morning and inquired as to Dales's health. He is doing as well as can be expect at this time and his spirits are up. The medicine that the Doctor is prescribing is working wonders

A home care physical therapist comes a few time a week and helps with exercising his body and mind. Plus her children have been very helpful also. She tries to have him out and about as much as possible. She said that he talks to the health care worker all the time regarding his stay in the Corps.

The VA is involved and are supplying Dale with a bracelet to wear in case he wanders off and a "help me I've fallen" type of necklace for Judy.

He enjoys hearing from friends and if you would like to send a card or note the address is:


Will keep you informed if I hear more.

S/F Gary
HMM-263 '66-'67

Posted : 2015-05-02 14:05
Posts: 98
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Dale is about 2 and a half hours from me. I will plan on taking a drive down next week to see him.

S/F TC Moyer

Posted : 2015-05-12 13:06