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Bill Powell - in ho...
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Bill Powell - in hospital

6 Posts
2 Users
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: bill_va@cebridge.net
Date: Jun 24, 2007 3:36 PM
Subject: RE: Bill Powell
To: tmb2sbd@numail.org, tombarron@hiddenfarm.com, webmaster@popasmoke.com, weim3@bellsouth.net, woolinck@plmw.com, zx10rider@comcast.net

My dad has asked me to send a note to you all on his behalf. He fell and broke his hip on Saturday, June 23. He is in the VA hospital in Little Rock and is tentatively scheduled for surgery either Monday or Tuesday. So in his words, "Don't send me any damn e-mails until I'm home or my inbox will overflow." Yes he still has his charming way with words!! (ha)

Anyway, the surgeons will consult with the cardiologists tomorrow to see how best to get him through this hip surgery while managing his heart failure.

If you would like me to keep you posted, send me a note and I'll be happy to. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers!


Sue Powell Hibbs

Posted : 2007-06-24 18:29
Posts: 189
Reputable Member

Get Well Soon

Though I don't know you personally, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Do what Marines have always done, defy the odds!

Posted : 2007-06-26 22:46
Posts: 0
New Member

Dad came through his surgery

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Susan Hibbs
Date: Jun 27, 2007 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: RE: Bill Powell

Dad came through his surgery and is doing well!!! It took about 2.5 hours and he is off the ventilator and semi-alert. He will stay in the ICU for a few days before moving to the floor. When released from the hospital he will have to stay in an inpatient rehab center for 3-4 weeks. The nurses and physicians are amazed at his strength and will and are cautiously optimistic!

Some of you have asked for an address to send cards.
Their home address is the best place:

1710 Camp Dr.
Cabot, AR 72023

Thanks again and I'll send an update soon!


Posted : 2007-06-27 22:04
Posts: 0
New Member

Sent: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:26 PM
Subject: Prayers needed for Bill Powell

Dad is not doing so well today. He has pneumonia, his kidneys aren't working very good and they've put in a temporary pacemaker. He is sleeping all of the time and is hard to arouse. He is very sick, but if anyone can pull through this, it's my dad! My sister and other brother are coming in as well so that we can all be here with my mom.

Please say a few extra prayers and I'll keep you posted.


Posted : 2007-06-29 23:56
Posts: 0
New Member

From: Susan Hibbs
Date: Jul 6, 2007 12:59 PM

Dad is off of the ventilator!!!! His throat is really sore but he is able to communicate (and say a few choice words!! ) Anyway, if he keeps progressing they are looking at putting a permanent pacemaker in on Monday, 7/9. Looks like those prayers are working! Keep 'em coming!

From: Susan Hibbs
Date: Jul 7, 2007 12:23 AM

Dad is still doing well and talking almost non-stop!! I have to leave town tomorrow for a conference in Orlando for work so I may not get any updates out to you all until my return on Thursday, July 12. My sister will be here with my mom while I'm gone. Thanks to everyone for your kind emails and prayers. We really appreciate you.


Posted : 2007-07-07 08:59
Posts: 0
New Member

Bill Powell - In hospital

I'm really glad that your dad is doing well.

I live about an hour away from VA-McClellan (spent a week there in 1991) and work at Camp Robinson.

I may try and get by to see him if he can have visitors.

Posted : 2007-07-07 10:04