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Address for wounded Marines

1 Posts
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BELLEFONTE -- Centre County's U.S. Marines are rallying to the aid of a fallen
brother from Bellefonte who is fighting for his life in a military hospital in
Germany after suffering severe wounds while in Iraq.
U.S. Marine Cpl. David Emery's legs and left arm were shattered on Feb. 7 by a
suicide bomb attack in Anbar Province. The 21-year-old from Bellefonte also suffered
a severe abdominal wound, has lost kidney function and is on a ventilator after the
onset of pneumonia, according to recent reports from the family.
His wife, Leslie, who is seven months pregnant, and his mother, Connie, have been
flown by the Marine Corps to be at Emery's bedside in Landstuhl Regional Medical
Center in Germany.
Meanwhile, local Marines have established a fund for the community to help Emery and
his family.
The Marine Corps League's Nittany Leathernecks of Centre County have established a
fund through Nittany Bank to help the Marine's family offset expenses they are sure
to incur in the near future, said the group's commandant, Marty Kaschalk.
Checks or money orders can be made out to the "Nittany Leathernecks Detachment" and
sent to Nittany Leathernecks, Attention: Cpl. Emery Fund, P.O. Box 956, Lemont Pa.,
16851-0956. Donations also can be made at any Nittany Bank branch.

Address for Cpl David Emery
c/o National Naval Medical Denter
8901 Wisconsin Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20889

I don't think I will make the growl in Pleasant Gap.
My grandson, Ryan was seriously injured in Iraq on the 15th of Feb. He was Medi Vac'd to Balad, then to Bagdad, then to Germany and from there to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland. He has undergone several operations and is scheduled for another operation on Friday the 23rd of Feb. My son and his wife are with him now. My wife and I went down to Bethesda on Monday and Tuesday. We are going to go back down this week-end. He should make a complete recovery. Although he was seriously injured there are so many that are in much worse shape. His roommate, Dillon Gray, lost both of his legs about six inches below the knee. My grandson is a member of the Chester County Detachment, MCL. If any of your members are interested in sending him a card and a few words of encouragement his address is:

LCpl. Albert R. Harper
8901 Wiscosin Ave.
Bldg. 10 - Ward 5 East
Rm. 11A
Bethesda, Md. 20889-5601

Thanks for keeping in touch with me. I hope to see you soon again.
Semper Fi
Al Harper

Posted : 2007-02-23 17:06