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A Greatful Vietnam ...
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A Greatful Vietnam Vets wife!

2 Posts
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Posts: 550
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Marnie Mowles

My name is Marnie Mowles. I am the proud wife of a USMC 100% Total &
Permanent disabled combat Viet nam Veteran. He served two tours in Nam with the 1/9, also known as ,"The Walking Dead."

I would like to thank the Military men and women that have served and that are serving for my freedom and all you have done and are still doing for our country. I am forever grateful and you will never be forgotten by me. I consider you all my HEROES !!!

I always make it a point to thank a Veteran and tell them how grateful I am for my freedom . Thanks to you all I am able to type this letter.

I consider it an honor to tell people I am married to a USMC Vietnam Veteran. We have a 20 year age difference and he has been my rock for 12 years.

I would like to thank each and everyone of you that have served and are still serving in the Military for my freedom and all you've done and are still doing for our country.

I know you all have sacrificed so much for me and our country. Words will never be able to tell you all how grateful I am.

I know I have taken a lot for granted but I started thinking just how lucky I am to have my freedom thanks to you all.

Please know that you will never be forgotten by me.

I told my husband if he should die before me I am going to dedicate my life to our Military men and women.

I want to be able to give each and everyone of you a hug and bring happiness to your lives.

Since I am not able to hug each and everyone of you , please accept a cyber hug from me and know you are my HEROES !!!

In all sincerity , I can honestly say , "I love you."

God Bless each and everyone of you.

Forever Grateful,
Marnie Mowles

Posted : 2007-02-25 01:18
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

accs;19554 wrote: Submitter:
Marnie Mowles

Your thanks is welcome,,,,,,,,we did it because we love ALL of the ladies, children (future grandkids), and parents who make up this wonderful country. And we HURT for our brothers like your husband who paid the price we would have paid and were by the grace of God spared.

Posted : 2007-02-26 18:17