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MAG-24 retirement ceremony for the CH-53D

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Passing this along to the CH-53 Rendezvous email list for MAG-24:

MAG-24 will be hosting a a ceremony on 9-10 February 2012 in Hawaii to celebrate the retirement of the CH-53D. CO, MAG 24, Col Caputo, and the action officer, Maj Shawn "Thong" Budd, would like to get this word out to everyone as an invitation and encouragement to join them in February.

As you know, The CH-53D has been in foreign wars as far back as 1969 in Vietnam through present day combat operations in Afghanistan. In honor of the retirement of the CH-53D, MAG-24 will host a two-day Sundown Ceremony to celebrate the helicopter's service. The event will include an Opening Ceremony, Golf Tournament, 5K Fun Run, and Dinner/CH-53D Dedication at the Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor. This helicopter has been a big part of the military presence in Hawaii. Our guest of honor for the ceremony is the Deputy Commandant of Aviation (DCA), LtGen Robling. The 1st MAW Commanding General (CG), MajGen Beydler, will also be in attendance.

Maj Budd's contact info and the schedule of events is provided below. I'll pass more information as it becomes available.

Maj. Shawn "Thong" Budd
CH-53D Sundown Ceremony Coordinator
(w) 808-590-6944
(c) 808-386-9790
Email: shawn.budd@usmc.mil


DAY 1 (9 Feb)

Opening Ceremony Flightline 0800-0900

Lunch @ Klipper & Golf Tournament Registration 1000-1130

Golf Tournament & Awards Ceremony 1130-1730

O’Club Social – Drinks & Pupus 1800-Lights out


DAY 2 (10 Feb)

5K Fun Run on Flightline/Runway 0800-1000

Lunch @ O’Club 1030-1130

Senior Leader Meeting @ O’Club 1130-1330

Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor Dedication / Dinner 1600-2100

1500: Chartered buses departs Kaneohe Bay for Ford Island

1600: Guests arrive for Reception at Hangar 79

1600-1745: Pupus & drinks at Hangar 79

1700: CH-53D lands at Ford Island

1715: CH-53D Dedication at Hangar 79

1750: Movement to Hangar 37 for Buffet Dinner

1800: Buffet dinner

1900: Guest Speaker

1900-2100: Museum Simulators Open

2100: Bar closes & buses return to Kaneohe Bay

2200: Buses arrive at Kbay


Two other reminders:

Bobby Burnett's service at Arlington will be on 17 Feb.
The CH-53 Rendezvous will be on 18 Feb at Quantico. See http://spt7566.net/53rendezvous/index.html for details. We will start taking reservation via PayPal on the web site on Jan 2, 2012.

Regards, Steve

Larry Groah

Posted : 2011-12-23 18:01