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Hotel reservation is open:

225 E Coastline Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32202
T: (888) 421-1442


Hotel reservation and reunion reservation are two separate things.

Hotel contract required a minimum guarantee of attendees. Based on that we reserved a conservative number of rooms. Suggest make your reservation early and lock on a room- cancellations are allowed.

Reunion info:
OCT/Nov newsletter will contain reunion reservation form, info and will also be posted on the NOTAM Board.

Squadron Hootches- Contract allows bringing in our own alcohol and dry goods. We have 12 Hootches reserved that will accommodate anywhere from 30 - 120 people with majority in the 40-60 range. As we've done in the past we'll try to accommodate all squadrons, however based on registration numbers by squadron will drive how we allocate the hootches. In a few cases squadrons may have to share. The Association picks up the refresh tab- cleaning/ice/etc,

Assignments will be made late June early July. Option does exist for those squadrons with deep pockets to reserve a hotel suite based on hotel availability.

Hotel Rooms- they are all being renovated at this time.

Schedule: Will remain the same as in the past:
Wednesday- early check-in. Hootches should be open
Thursday- Tours, Welcome aboard Buffet
Friday- Golf, tours, Squadron dinner
Saturday- Tours, Banquet.
Sunday- depart.
working aircraft fly-in or static display at one of the bases,

Having walked the ground, in my opinion, hotel and layout ranks very high compared to past venues.

Posted : 2015-07-30 14:05
Posts: 200
Estimable Member

Rooms booked for Jacksonville 2016. I'm ready now, but will have to wait. Come on Aug. 2016.

Semper Fi

Bruce "Howdy" Mayor HMM-161 '69-'70

Posted : 2015-08-05 09:08
Posts: 0
New Member

Will be checking this out too Howdy. In hope to get more of our Tigers to make efforts to attend this 2016 reunion. Hmm 262>>>>>>>JJ

Posted : 2015-08-06 23:14
Posts: 39
Eminent Member

I am going to try to make it to this one! I was with MALS-36 the T58 shop -so I guess I will be representing HMM-262 AND 265!LOL

Posted : 2015-09-06 17:33
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Reunion ​Registration form link attached

Reminder- Hotel registration and reunion registration are two different things

Attached files

image_4249.doc (56.5 KB) 

Posted : 2016-01-04 09:20
Posts: 109
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Thanks for the up date Slick! August can't come quick enough for me anyways, I'am sure that time will go faster then we think. JJ

Posted : 2016-01-05 21:57
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Hotel has informed us that they have run out of standard King size rooms. Doubles remaining
we are also running short of rooms prior and after base reunion dates. We are constantly monitoring and making adjustments to room/date allocation.

If you try and make a reservation and hotel tells you sold out contact Molly Dey at AFRI mollydey@afri.com 757-625-6401 for assistance

Posted : 2016-01-13 16:45
Posts: 2
New Member

Every four years when these reunions are on the East coast I swear I will attend one. Was with 263 in 67 and 163 in 67and 68. Most of my time with 163. Just pulled the trigger and reserved a room. Might not live four more years. LOL Might bring my evil eyes mug and crew book with me to see if you guys look the same. Also have the little 263 plaque that hung in the line shack at Ky Ha.

Posted : 2016-02-05 14:25
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glad to have you. I think everybody looks the same- maybe older, wiser, maybe a little heavier and either grey or lacking hair. ​
One common denominator is the tales/exploits (lies) only get better

Posted : 2016-02-05 17:27
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[QUOTEHotel has informed us that they have run out of standard King size rooms. Doubles remaining
we are also running short of rooms prior and after base reunion dates. We are constantly monitoring and making adjustments to room/date allocation.

If you try and make a reservation and hotel tells you sold out contact Molly Dey at AFRI mollydey@afri.com 757-625-6401 for assistance]

Repeating above as some folks are reporting hotel is telling them sold out. Issue remains as we need to adjust room block to accommodate folks coming in early and staying late.

If this happens to you call Molly Dey

Also: single, double, triple, quadruple occupancy rate is $119.00. suites, etc are higher.

if you're quoted a higher rate make sure you've booked under USMC Combat Helicopter Association
Again, any issues contact Molly Dey

Posted : 2016-02-15 15:52
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Contracting with a hotel for a reunion is part scientific and part guess based on past attendance. As our number of attendees over the past four reunions has decreased (and in one case the Association had to pay a penalty for not meeting minimums) we took a swag at attendance for 2016. For 2016 hotel reservations have been heavy and we have had to increase the room block (number of contracted rooms) at the hotel.
There are approximately 15 rooms remaining at the $119 rate.

They have basically sold out of the City view king and queen. The only available additional rooms that will be added are Riverview queens-
Unfortunately, as upgraded rooms the rate will increase by $15 for these rooms to $134
The standard upgrade rate is normally +$35 for queen riveverview

Posted : 2016-03-01 18:26
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We have submitted an addendum adding rooms- should be in place Monday.
If you try and reserve a room and get a "none available" try Monday. If still a "no go" contact Molly Dey at AFRI mollyfey@afri.com 757 625 6401

Posted : 2016-03-10 17:57
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For those that have not made Reunion 2016 hotel reservations following info applies

Hyatt Regency has currently sold out on our room block. We have made two addendums to the contract raising the number of reserved rooms, but have reached the maximum on the contract
​Arrangements have been made with the Omni Hotel as a back up. They are physically close to the Hyatt and also has a shuttle

​Hyatt reservations should refer you to the OMNI, but if they don't call 800 843 6664 and reference POPASMOKE/USMC Combat Helicopter Association or use the following link

The Hyatt has initially committed a limited number of rooms. We will continue to monitor and attempt to increase the room block at the Omni as required.

Should you encounter any issues making reservations call Armed Forces Reunion (AFRI) at (757) 625-6401

Posted : 2016-05-17 17:46
Posts: 2
New Member

Thanks for the information and all the hard work helping to set up the reunion. The above link for the Omni hotel worked like a champ. See you in August. Bob Parham 1SG (ret), HML-167 1969-70

Posted : 2016-05-17 19:56
Posts: 1
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Just went to the online reg site WWW.AFR-REG.COM/POPASMOKE2016 and it shows 2014 with this reply. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow it. Luckily I've already booked my room a month ago

Posted : 2016-06-21 13:23
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Reunion 2016 golfers, upon arrival contact Doc Davis, HML 367 for any issues concerning golf to include pairings

Posted : 2016-07-14 14:47
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AFRI correct contact info is Molly Dey 757 625-6401

Posted : 2016-07-14 15:06
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Need transportation from the airport? Try here: https://reservations.supershuttle.com/default.aspx?content=GroupReservations&GC=NWQW2

There are also 2 taxi companies that service the airport.

Posted : 2016-07-20 17:43
Posts: 109
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Jerome HALL;n48481 wrote: Will be checking this out too Howdy. In hope to get more of our Tigers to make efforts to attend this 2016 reunion. Hmm 262>>>>>>>JJ

HEY any one got a List or some way to find Who May be going to the Reunion?

Posted : 2016-08-16 22:32
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as of 8/15/16. Daily getting some add ons and some cancellations. Last count 758- members and guest

Last Name First Name Primary Squadron
Houston W.W. 1st MAW
Barr Robert H&MS-16
Smith Herbert H&MS-16
Ruffini John HMH-361
Malia Joseph HMH-461
Cannon Thomas HMH-462
Dagley Bob HMH-462
Greethurst Ken HMH-462
Autrey Gill HMH-463
Baker Gene HMH-463
Balch Bob HMH-463
Bohrman Bob HMH-463
Conley William HMH-463
Gaynor John HMH-463
Gonneville John HMH-463
Jackson Bobby HMH-463
Lane Skip HMH-463
Lane Jack HMH-463
Motz, Jr Don HMH-463
Raupp Douglas HMH-463
Richardson David HMH-463
Stanton Duncan HMH-463
Stewart Ron HMH-463
Tetreault Bertrand HMH-463
Wert Larry HMH-463
Whitehurst William HMH-463
Ballato Nat HML-167
Bouley John HML-167
Boulton Steve HML-167
Boyer Lynn HML-167
Canzoneri Tony HML-167
Chellis Scott HML-167
Fenwick Bill HML-167
Garvey Gary HML-167
Hinton Allyn HML-167
Hunt James HML-167
Jeffries Mike HML-167
Katz Slick HML-167
LaFountaine Norm HML-167
Long Stephen HML-167
Low Keith HML-167
Mincey James HML-167
Parham Robert HML-167
Rossi Dan HML-167
Stough Gary HML-169 & HMA-269
Hille Klaus HML-267 & HML-367
Bell Jim HML-367
Costanza Frank HML-367
Davis Douglas HML-367
Driscoll Joseph HML-367
Gibson Timothy HML-367
Harris Carl HML-367
Kline Joe HML-367
Kuklok Kevin HML-367
McGovern Edward HML-367
Morrison Mike HML-367
Pencek Barry HML-367
Robillard Jack HML-367
Shubin Edward HML-367
Silva Herb HML-367
Simmons Carlyle HML-367
Sowell Tom HML-367
Whitehurst Neil HML-367
Yaskovic Robert HML-367
Cornstubble Ir HMM 262
Bailey Glen HMM-161
Berry Gerry HMM-161
Cornfield Chuck HMM-161
Geer Rudy HMM-161
Lepo Peter HMM-161
Mayor Bruce HMM-161
Morosky Ronald HMM-161
Sea Dan HMM-161
Smith R.Gatewood HMM-161
York Lee HMM-161
Manship Stan HMM-162
Adkins Bill HMM-163
Anderson Marc HMM-163
Anderson Bobbie HMM-163
Anderton Rick HMM-163
Atteberry George HMM-163
Bancells Larry HMM-163
Bergman Carl HMM-163
Brunke Otto HMM-163
DArcangelo Joe HMM-163
Duckworth Teddy HMM-163
Egan Ed HMM-163
Fetterly Roger HMM-163
Fitzgerald Charles HMM-163
Fowler Jim HMM-163
Frech Roland HMM-163
Gale Robert HMM-163
Gardner Len HMM-163
Giddings John HMM-163
Goodwill Vaughn HMM-163
Goodwill Dick HMM-163
Gordon Bernie HMM-163
Granata Peter HMM-163
Griffin James HMM-163
Hall Lin HMM-163
Halliday Fred HMM-163
Halvorsen William HMM-163
Holden-Knowles Jamie HMM-163
Keller Noel HMM-163
Kolb Dan HMM-163
LeFevre Les HMM-163
Limp Jack HMM-163
McGuinness Jim HMM-163
McIlvain Mac HMM-163
Moore John HMM-163
Morgan James HMM-163
Nilson George HMM-163
Oliver Joe HMM-163
Phillips Bill HMM-163
Pratt Ken HMM-163
Rask Art HMM-163
Rice Joe HMM-163
Rivers Rick HMM-163
Ross George HMM-163
Schecter Lawrence HMM-163
Schrupp Dick HMM-163
Sifuentes Art HMM-163
Sitterly James HMM-163
Sonnier Jerry HMM-163
Tackitt Merle HMM-163
Terrion John HMM-163
Thien Robert HMM-163
Tiger Ken HMM-163
Torres Bob HMM-163
Trow Willie HMM-163
Vinson Dennis HMM-163
Waunch Don HMM-163
Weeks Harry HMM-163
Beamon Sam HMM-164
Berry Tim HMM-164
Botch Mike HMM-164
Cook Jim HMM-164
DeVore Lawrence HMM-164
Ferneau Mike HMM-164
James Joseph HMM-164
Kennedy Thomas HMM-164
Lange Robert HMM-164
Lanier Stephen HMM-164
Mertz Cynthia HMM-164
Montgomery Robert HMM-164
Munoz, Jr Juan HMM-164
Murdoch John HMM-164
Peterson Richard HMM-164
Rodriguez John HMM-164
Scheffler Bill HMM-164
Young Gary HMM-164
Butler James HMM-164 & HMM-362
Beckerich Philip HMM-165
Durrett Bill HMM-165
Edgar Andy HMM-165
Hays Jamie HMM-165
Henning Stuart HMM-165
Manning C H HMM-165
Otto George HMM-165
Reed Joe HMM-165
Rogish Joseph HMM-165
Rotramel Chuck HMM-165
Sramek James HMM-165
Taylor Jim HMM-165
Zimmermann Gary HMM-165
Zygowicz Alan HMM-165
Halley Michael HMM-261
Hippner Richard HMM-261
Hutchins Robert HMM-261
Martin Dick HMM-261
Morley Jay HMM-261
Otto Jim HMM-261
Walz Nicholas HMM-261
Allen Allen HMM-262
Althoff David HMM-262
Arnold John HMM-262
Buda Richard HMM-262
Bunting, Jr. Robert HMM-262
Butler Mike HMM-262
Colson Ken HMM-262
Fears Bo HMM-262
Felder Otis HMM-262
Fenton Larry HMM-262
Fulton Garrett HMM-262
Gillaspie, Jr. Robert HMM-262
Gustafson Charles HMM-262
Hanner Pete HMM-262
Harr Mike HMM-262
Hatfield Keith HMM-262
Hogue Jack HMM-262
Kosinski John HMM-262
Loftin Kreig HMM-262
Lyman Marty HMM-262
McCorkle Fred HMM-262
McMahon Timothy HMM-262
Orey Ralph HMM-262
Parnham John HMM-262
Patton Carey HMM-262
Proutey Don HMM-262
Riley Dale HMM-262
Stiger Jim HMM-262
Walker Harold HMM-262
Whalen John HMM-262
White David HMM-262
Zok Larry HMM-262
Alls Gary HMM-263
Barber JD HMM-263
Basham Alan HMM-263
Bennett Dennis HMM-263
Darby John HMM-263
Hall Matthew HMM-263
Hanner Joe HMM-263
Hengels Phil HMM-263
Johnson George HMM-263
Kelly Michael HMM-263
Kemp Bob HMM-263
Leonard John HMM-263
Lewis Tyrone HMM-263
Love Chuck HMM-263
Lynch James HMM-263
Mattos Tom HMM-263
Miller Phil HMM-263
Moyer TC HMM-263
Odgers Gerald HMM-263
Ratcliff Bob HMM-263
Rinehardt Jim HMM-263
Rook Ronn HMM-263
Salyers Larry HMM-263
Strawn Ken HMM-263
White Mike HMM-263
Willman Robert HMM-263
Taylor Larry HMM-264
Campbell Harold HMM-265
Jensen Duane HMM-265
Johnson Kenneth HMM-265
McCarthy Tom HMM-265
McDonald Larry HMM-265
Miller Glen HMM-265
Monserrate Larry HMM-265
OBrien Dennis HMM-265
Olin George HMM-265
Reiner Arnold HMM-265
Schmidt James HMM-265
Stafford Wayne HMM-265
Sturkey Marion HMM-265
Tubesing Gordon HMM-265
Wolfe John HMM-265
Campoy Abraham HMM-361
Cope Russell HMM-361
Eaton Russell HMM-361
English Terry HMM-361
Graziano Rocky HMM-361
Hurme Seppo HMM-361
Samol Joe HMM-361
Sanders Bud HMM-361
Trainor John HMM-361
Turner Bob HMM-361
Wagner Richard HMM-361
Whitbeck Norman HMM-361
Brownfield Tom HMM-362
Cascio Ben HMM-362
Clark Jerry HMM-362
Cormier Calvin HMM-362
Donnelly John HMM-362
Eames Paul HMM-362
Ferguson Donald HMM-362
Hewes Tom HMM-362
Houghton Richard HMM-362
Houglum Daniel HMM-362
Ice Ron HMM-362
Kane Thomas HMM-362
Kottkamp Jerry HMM-362
Longdin John HMM-362
Marnin Phillip HMM-362
Martin Don HMM-362
Matucheski Frank HMM-362
McNair Billy Ray HMM-362
Moser Dick HMM-362
Myszka Romy HMM-362
Ryan William HMM-362
Severson Mike HMM-362
Shoopman Dave HMM-362
Sigman John HMM-362
Snipes Doug HMM-362
Speroni Victor HMM-362
Sproule William HMM-362
Stefan Louis HMM-362
Street Jim HMM-362
Thomas Kenny HMM-362
Waldridge Wally HMM-362
Wimmler Charles HMM-362
York Del HMM-362
Zamora George HMM-362
Allen George HMM-363
Barr James HMM-363
Bertke Bob HMM-363
Boley Carl HMM-363
Citrano Jim HMM-363
Collier Bill HMM-363
Crutcher Jerry HMM-363
Erickson Dick HMM-363
Ferris Greg HMM-363
Fischer Wayne HMM-363
Gordon John HMM-363
Hallam Mike HMM-363
Inman B.T. HMM-363
Lane Allan HMM-363
LeBlanc Dan HMM-363
Maddox Wayne HMM-363
Mayberry Ted HMM-363
Olson Martin HMM-363
Ramsey Ira HMM-363
Rodriguez Tom HMM-363
Scholle Joe HMM-363
Shantry Robert HMM-363
Sheehan Paul HMM-363
Starr Gordon HMM-363
Svendsen Everett HMM-363
Tierney Tom HMM-363
Tripp Mike HMM-363
Wagster Billy HMM-363
West Brian HMM-363
Wickersham Frank HMM-363
Armstrong Anthony HMM-364
Baker Gary HMM-364
Benak William HMM-364
Brandt Steve HMM-364
Buckland Jim HMM-364
Carson Emmett HMM-364
Chancey Al HMM-364
Combs Roscoe HMM-364
Dautriel Ned HMM-364
Deneff Daniel HMM-364
Erb Steve HMM-364
Gruenewald Brenda HMM-364
Hanson Caisse Stephanie HMM-364
Jeske Mark HMM-364
Keller James HMM-364
Kenny Pat HMM-364
Ledford Jim HMM-364
Lycan George HMM-364
McLaughlin Donald HMM-364
Morhardt Jeffrey HMM-364
Peters Murray HMM-364
Pflughoeft Chuck HMM-364
Phillips Mike HMM-364
Radliff Gary HMM-364
Robitaille Patrick HMM-364
Shupp Steve HMM-364
Steinberg Bob HMM-364
Tennent Mike HMM-364
Ward George HMM-364
Wells Karen HMM-364
Wise Walter HMM-364
Beeman John HMM-364 & HMM-361
Pepper Charles HMM-364 & HMM-362
Aguirre Mariano HMM-365
Bender Richard HMM-365
Bermudez Frank HMM-365
Easter JJ HMM-365
Heinzerling Henry HMM-365
Hubbard Dick HMM-365
McKee George HMM-365
Saunders Dale HMM-365
Thomas Paul HMM-365
Bricklemyer JB HMM-774
Hendrickson Stan HMR-163
Vaughn Michael HMR-262
Otani William HMX-1
Lange Donald MABS-16
Maddox Pete MAG-16
Schoenherr Dave MAG-36 & VMO-6
Northcutt Allen VMFA-115
Rock Paul VMM-263
Barbour Alan VMO-2
Bohlman Curtis VMO-2
Bowman Terry VMO-2
Centore Rick VMO-2
Cummings Bill VMO-2
Fennell Robert VMO-2
Fulton Sam VMO-2
Healy Joseph VMO-2
Heilman John VMO-2
Hoffman Bruce VMO-2
Lind Duke VMO-2
Maziar Jerry VMO-2
Nance HT VMO-2
Robinson David VMO-2
Schweitzer Ken VMO-2
Shambaugh John VMO-2
Soliday Ted VMO-2
Taylor Jack VMO-2
Templet Max VMO-2
Tomlinson Joseph VMO-2
Williams Tom VMO-2
Armento Ed VMO-2 & HMM-265
Bedrava George VMO-3
Chess Bob VMO-3
Elkins Ted VMO-3
Gustafson Dennis VMO-3
Kehoe Thomas VMO-3
Ketchum John VMO-3
Korte Jim VMO-3
Lombardo Roy VMO-3
Perry Robert VMO-3
Pipa Jack VMO-3
Rollins Paul VMO-3
Schwanda Bruce VMO-3
St Moritz Randolph VMO-3
Weaver James VMO-3
Yancey Jack VMO-3
Zaczek Ronald VMO-3
Brittain Rod VMO-3 & HML-367
Krages Bert VMO-3 & HML-367
McCauley Jim VMO-3 & HML-367
Alexander Ed VMO-6
Bartley Mike VMO-6
Bastien Jim VMO-6
Boden John VMO-6
Boston Dick VMO-6
Bright Gary VMO-6
Carlon KC VMO-6
Ethier Richard VMO-6
Garner Jerry VMO-6
Gerard C.G. VMO-6
Greene Peter VMO-6
Haines Dick VMO-6
Jones Charles VMO-6
Kmiec Walt VMO-6
Kufeldt Ed VMO-6
Meydag Richard VMO-6
Mohilla William VMO-6
Nelson Art VMO-6
Pearson Mike VMO-6
Pickett Jeff VMO-6
Reinke Lance VMO-6
Shadburne-Fiegel Marjorie VMO-6
Turner Joe VMO-6
Ward Thomas VMO-6
Waters KD VMO-6
Wilson Steve VMO-6
Wright Donald VMO-6
Lattimer Jim VNO-2
Beddoe Wally Webmaster
Averill Bill
Griffin Linda
Johnson Jim
McClees Jerome
Powell John

Posted : 2016-08-16 22:56
Posts: 109
Estimable Member

Slick A BIG THANKS sure to keep me on the starting Blocks. Have some Health issues to check out these next few day. I know Di thinks I just don't want to go but just have some real concern ,and don't want to Be there and Get Sick. Thanks again and will be praying for Guiding from above. JJ

Posted : 2016-08-17 22:41
Posts: 6
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Any word on the static display scheduled for Saturday? Also, is there an updated list of attendees?

Posted : 2016-08-23 16:39
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Static display- Have contracted with Jax Schools to provide 10 air conditioned buses. Price was right for all concerned
Depart- 0830-0900 load buses outside hotel . Each bus will depart when full
Return- Buses will depart NAS Jax individually when full. Allows individuals to stay as long or as short a time as they desire.
Last bus will depart NLT 1300

Attendee update not avail. will try and obtain. Attendee count is approx. 750 +/-.

Posted : 2016-08-23 23:18
Posts: 3133
Active Members

Many thanks to you and the staff for all you do/did for another successful reunion!! Looking forward to the next one I can make!!

Posted : 2016-08-29 21:25
Posts: 200
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Buses did not have any handicap provisions. Some members were left behind. Should have had some with lifts.

Semper Fi

Bruce "Howdy" Mayor HMM-161 '69-'70

Posted : 2016-08-30 16:27
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