Many thanks to those who donated silent auction items for Reunion 2014. Together with the generous high-bidders, nearly $4,000 was raised for the scholarship fund. Some donors contributed multiple items.
A BIG thank you to the following:
Lew Barnes, HMM-362
Wally Beddoe, Webmaster
Doug Bradley, HMM-264
Scott Chellis, HML-167
Bruce Colbert, HMM-164
Joe D'Arcangelo, HMM-163
Raul Delgado, HMM-364
Wayne Fischer, HMM-363
Charles Fitzgerald, HMM-163
Flying Leatherneck Museum
Tim Gibson, HML-367
John Gordon, HMM-363
Joseph Hanner Jr. HMM-263
Dan Houglum, HMM-362
Seppo Hurme, HMM-361
Jim Hunt, HML-167
Amanda Jackson
John Kosinski, HMM-262
Frank Matucheski, HMM-362
Holly Matucheski
Bunnie McCosar, HMM-362
George McKee, HMM-365
Bill McNair, HMM-362
Thomas E Miller
Bud Newcomer, HMM-263
Sid Orr, HMM-362
Lou Paradise, HMM-365
Chuck Rotramel, HMM-165
John Ruffini, HMH-361
Ken Schweitzer, VMO-2
Don Soper, HMM-263
Tom Sowell, HML-367
Dennis Van Liew, HMM-362
Joe Verches, HMH-363
Dennis Vinson, HMM-163
Bill Weiler
Mrs. John Wells
Larry Wright, VMO-6
Larry Zok, HMM-262
Marna Zok
Wally "Bytes" Beddoe
Cpl. USMC 1981-1985