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Reunion Registratio...
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Reunion Registration

3 Posts
3 Users
Posts: 592
Honorable Member
Topic starter

If your name does not appear here and you have sent in your money - let me know ASAP. For the rest of you - Association room rate is gauranteed thru 6/15 - after that date it depends on availability. get it together Marines & Devil Docs

Adams Frank HMM-162
Aguirre Mariano HMM-365
Alexander John D. HMM-262
Allen Eddie HMM-363
Alls Gary HMM-263
Althoff Dave HMM-262
Anderson Marc HMM-163
Anderson Bobbie G. HMM-163
Anderton Rick HMM-163
Applegate Douglas HMM-263
Atad Basil HMM-364
Atteberry George HMM-163
Aydt Rick HML-167
Bancells Larry HMM-163
Barber John HMM-263
Bastyr Tim HMM-265
Beckerich Philip HMM-165
Bedrava George VMO-3
Beeman John HMM-364
Bennett Dennis HMM-263
Berry Tim HMM-164
Blowers Douglas HMM-362
Bohlman Doc VMO-2
Botch Mike HMM-164
Bowman John HMM-362
Boyd Herman HMM-161
Boyer Lynn HML-167
bracha henry (jim) VMO-6
Breeding Connie HMM-364
Brink Paul HMM-163
Brunke Otto HMM-163
Buckland Jim HMM-364
Buda Richard HMM-262
Butler James HMM-164
Caisse Rick HMM-364
Campbell Howard Desere
Cannon Thomas HMH-462
Carley Michael John HMM-362
Cascio Ben HMM-362
Cassio Charles MABS-16
Chellis Scott HML-167
chrisman frederick HML-167
Christensen Calvin HMM-164
Clark Gerald HMM-362
Cleary Bill HMM-263
Colbert Bruce HMM-164
Cole B. B. HMM-262
Cope Russell HMM-361
Cormier C.J. HMM-362
Cronin Jim HMM-262
Cummings Bill VMO-2
Dacus Terry HMM-262
Darby John HMM-263
Dautriel Ned HMM-364
Davis Doug HML-367
Deimel Melvin HMM-165
Duckworth Teddy HMM-163
Duda Frank MAG-36
Duncan David HML-367
Easter J.J. HMM-365
Ehly Tim HMA-369
Elder Walter HMM-262
Ellingsworth Dale HMM-263
Enockson Jack VMO-2
Epperly Skip
Felder Otis HMM-262
Ferguson Don HMM-362
Ferris Gregory HMM-363
Frech Roland HMM-163
Fuhrmann Bob VMO-2
Gale Sidney HMM-364
Gall Ron HMM-362
Gates Phil HMM-262
Gibson Timothy HML-367
Gibson Gerald HML-167
Gillaspie Jr. Robert HMM-262
Glenn Roger HMM-362
Goodfallow Bert HMM-365
Gustafson Dennis HML-367
Haines Dick VMO-6
Hall,Sr Jerome HMM-262
Hallam Michael HMM-363
Hanner Joe HMM-263
Hanson Caisse Stephanie HMM-364
Hardesty Michael HMM-263
Harr Mike HMM-262
Hartwig Allen HML-167
Hatcher Garret HMM-362
Heinzerling Henry HMM-365
Hendrickson Stan HMR-163
Herrera Ernest HMM-363
Hewes Tom HMM-362
Hinton Allyn HML-167
hollingsworth jack VMO-2
Houghton Richard HMM-362
Houglum Daniel HMM-362
Houston W. W. 1st MAW
Hughes Greg HMM-263
Hunt Jim HML-167
Jackson William HMM-361
Jackson Bobby HMH-463
Jastrzembski Frank HMM-163
Jeffries Mike HML-167
Jelonek Donald HML-167
Johnson Jim
Johnson Ron HMM-362
Jones Walter HMM-262
Jones Ralph HMM-362
Kanaley Thomas HMM-361
Kane Thomas HMM-362
Katz Slick HML-167
Kelly Sam HMM-265
Kelly Michael HMM-263
Kemp Robert HMM-361
Koclanes Harold HMS-16
Kolb Dan HMM-163
Kuklok Kevin HML-367
LaBelle John HMM-364
Laux Peter HML-367
Layman Michael HMM-365
LeFevre Les HMM-163
Leonard John HMM-161
Limp Jack HMM-163
Luhrsen David HMM-362
Maddox Pete HMM-163
Maddox Wayne HMM-363
Maharg Ben VMO-2
mardula john HMM-364
mardula john HMM-364
mardula john HMM-364
mardula john HMM-364
mardula john HMM-364
Mardula John HMM-364
Mattos Tom HMM-263
Matucheski Frank HMM-362
Mayor Bruce HMM-161
Mazur Jim HMX-1
McCubbins Roger HML-167
mckee george HMM-365
McKinnie Ed HMM-263
McMahon Timothy HMM-262
Mead Anthony HMM-364
Meyer Jack HMM-163
Miller Thomas HMM-163
Miller Glen HMM-265
Mincey James HML-167
Moore John HMM-163
Moore Frank HMM-363
Morgan Jim HMM-163
Morrison Mike HML-367
Moser Dick HMM-362
Moyer T.C. HMM-263
Murdoch John HMM-164
Nick Paul HMM-165
O'Connell George HMM-163
O'Connor Doc HML-367
Oakey James VMO-3
Odgers Gerald
Odgers Gerald HMM-263
Olson Martin HMM-363
Otto George HMM-165
Ouellette Gary HMM-165
Papageorge David HMM-262
Patterson Fred HMM-361
Perez Sixto HMM-361
Perry Robert VMO-3
Perry Dale HMM-163
Pfeiffer Frank VMO-2
Phillips Rick HMH-463
Phillips Bill HMM-163
Pipa Jack VMO-3
Plasterer Ross HMM-162
Pratt Kenneth HMM-163
Price William HMM-263
Radliff Gary HMM-364
Rask Arthur HMM-163
Reinke Lance VMO-6
Richardson David E HMH-463
Rider James VMO-2
Rider James VMO-2
Riley Dale HMM-262
Rinehardt Jim HMM-263
Rivers Rick HMM-163
Robinson David VMO-2
Robison Eric HMM-364
Robitaille Patrick HMM-364
Rock Paul VMM-263
Rodriguez Tom HMM-363
Rogish Joe HMM-165
Rogish Joseph HMM-165
Rollins Paul VMO-3
Rook Ronn HMM-263
Roots John HMM-164
Ruffini John HMH-361
Sandvoss Bert HMM-163
Saunders Dale HMM-365
Schecter Abe HMM-163
Schmidt Jim HMM-265
Schoenherr David VMO-6
Schwanda Bruce VMO-3
Scott Harold HMH-463
Sellens Wiley HMM-164
Shauley Nick HMM-263
Shoemaker Harry VMO-6
Shubin Edward VMO-3
Sifuentes Raul HMM-163
Sigman Berle HMM-362
Silva Josh
Sirmon Patrick VMO-2
Smith Herb H&MS-16, MAG-16
sonnier jerry HMM-163
Southard Gary VMO-6
sowell thomas HML-367
Sparks Garry HML-167
Sproule William HMM-362
Sramek James HMM-165
Steckbauer Jim HMM-161
Steinberg Mel HMM-262
Steinberg Bob HMM-364
Strawn Ken HMM-263
Street Jim HMM-362
Sturkey Marion HMM-265
Sullivan Jerome HMM-261
Swete Robert HMM-163
Swete Bob HMM-163
Swete Robert HMM-163
Talent Robert HMM-163
Tate-Williams Janise HML-167
Taylor James HMM-165
Tennent Mike HMM-364
Terrion John HMM-163
test test
Tetreault Bertrand HMH-463
thatcher bobby VMO-6
Thatcher Bobby VMO-6
Tomlinson Joseph VMO-2
Townley Windle HMM-164
Turner Jim HMM-361
Turner Joe VMO-6
Turner Sr. Robert HMM-361
Van Nortwick John HMH-463
vinson dennis HMM-163
Walluk James HML-167
Ward George HMM-364
Weaver James VMO-3
West Brian HMM-363
Whalen Jr. John E. HMM-262
Whaley Bob VMO-6
White Michael T. HMM-263
Williams David HMM-365
Wise Walter HMM-364
Wissmar Jim HMM-165
Woods Doug MAG-16
Wright Larry VMO-6
Yancey Jack VMO-3
Yaskovic Robert HML-367
Young Randy HMM-364
Young Mike HMM-263
Zaczek Ron VMO-3
Zamora George HMM-362
Zeller Don HMM-263
Zok Larry HMM-262
Zygowicz Alan HMM-165

Posted : 2012-05-29 13:36
Posts: 51
Trusted Member

Re: Reunion Registration

Current/Past POPASMOKE Members,

Apologize if this info is a duplicate, but wanted to make sure you all had it.

The POPASMOKE 2012 reunion is scheduled to be held 11-15 July 2012 at the JW Marriott, Grande Lakes, Orlando, FL. As we have done in the past the two primary rules for reunion location is 1) a hotel that can put us all under one roof and 2) no restrictions on the Hootches (hospitality suites) where most tend to congregate. The JW Marriott has met both criteria and is one of the finer hotels. The Hootches are all located together in a spacious area with easy outside access to a patio and shaded area.
As in the past, we have a number of vendors as well as displays. The displays include one being provided by the Public Affairs Division of Headquarters Marine Corps as well as a personal uniform and Marine Corps memorabilia collection graciously being provided by LtCol. John Ruffini. Additionally, HQMC has designated our event as a “sponsored” event. While this doesn’t guarantee any static display support we are actively engaging various active duty units to see if their schedule/budget will support their presence in Orlando.
We will also have the Silent Auction. All proceeds are added to the current scholarship fund which is in the name of Captain Stephen Pless. All auction items are graciously accepted either in person or mailed to the Orlando Inspector Instructor staff.
For those interested the Reunion Golf Outing contact Bruce Colbert at 951-788-9468 or arthur-colbert@sbcglobal.net
Attached are the Reunion Registration, event agenda, and silent auction information
Registration link for the hotel to obtain the POPASMOKE rate is: https://resweb.passkey.com/Resweb.do?mode=welcome_ei_new&eventID=3814467Lastly , if you’ve let your membership lapse and as an enticement to renew drop, me a line and I’ll send an electronic copy of the current newsletter.

Lastly, hotel room cost is $109. That is a negotiated rate. Their current pre-pay rate is $174 and regular rate is $249. The POPASMOKE Association rate is guaranteed thru mid June and after that based on availability. Don't be locked out at this great rate- book now.

Semper Fidelis

Slick Katz

Mike Collier (Webmaster)

Posted : 2012-06-04 12:10
Posts: 592
Admin Active Members

Re: Reunion Registration

Registrations as of 6/9/12. sorted by squadrons

Last Name First Name Primary Sqdn
Hatton Ronald HMH-361
Ruffini John HMH-361
Cannon Thomas HMH-462
Greethurst Ken HMH-462
Jackson Bobby HMH-463
Lane Jack HMH-463
Phillips Rick HMH-463
Richardson David E HMH-463
Tetreault Bertrand HMH-463
Van Nortwick John HMH-463
Aydt Rick HML-167
Ballato Nat HML-167
Bleskey Martin HML-167
Boyer Lynn HML-167
Chellis Scott HML-167
chrisman frederick HML-167
foley william HML-167
Gibson Gerald HML-167
Hartwig Allen HML-167
Hinton Allyn HML-167
Hunt Jim HML-167
Jeffries Mike HML-167
Jelonek Donald HML-167
Katz Slick HML-167
McCubbins Roger HML-167
Mincey James HML-167
Roots Joshua HML-167
Sparks Garry HML-167
Tate-Williams Janise HML-167
Walluk James HML-167
Bell Jim HML-367
Brittain Rod HML-367
Davis Doug HML-367
Duncan David HML-367
Gibson Timothy HML-367
Gustafson Dennis HML-367
Harris Carl HML-367
Kuklok Kevin HML-367
Laux Peter HML-367
McGovern Edward HML-367
Morrison Mike HML-367
O'Connor Doc HML-367
otani william HML-367
Robillard Jack HML-367
Simmons Buck HML-367
sowell thomas HML-367
Yaskovic Robert HML-367
Boyd Herman HMM-161
Cornfield Chuck HMM-161
Honeycutt Bo HMM-161
Leonard John HMM-161
Mayor Bruce HMM-161
Steckbauer Jim HMM-161
Adams Frank HMM-162
Plasterer Ross HMM-162
Anderson Marc HMM-163
Anderson Bobbie G. HMM-163
Anderton Rick HMM-163
Atteberry George HMM-163
Bancells Larry HMM-163
Brink Paul HMM-163
Brunke Otto HMM-163
Carter Michael HMM-163
Duckworth Teddy HMM-163
Fitzgerald Charles HMM-163
Frech Roland HMM-163
Gale Bob HMM-163
Goodwill Dick HMM-163
Goodwill Vaughn HMM-163
Hall Lin HMM-163
Jastrzembski Frank HMM-163
Kolb Dan HMM-163
LeFevre Les HMM-163
Limp Jack HMM-163
Maddox Pete HMM-163
Meyer Jack HMM-163
Miller Thomas HMM-163
Moore John HMM-163
Morgan Jim HMM-163
O'Connell George HMM-163
Perry Dale HMM-163
Phillips Bill HMM-163
Pratt Kenneth HMM-163
Rask Arthur HMM-163
Rivers Rick HMM-163
Sandvoss Bert HMM-163
Schecter Abe HMM-163
Sifuentes Raul HMM-163
sonnier jerry HMM-163
Swete Robert HMM-163
Swete Bob HMM-163
Talent Robert HMM-163
Terrion John HMM-163
Trow Willie HMM-163
vinson dennis HMM-163
Berry Tim HMM-164
Botch Mike HMM-164
Butler James HMM-164
Christensen Calvin HMM-164
Colbert Bruce HMM-164
Lange Robert HMM-164
Mertz Curtis HMM-164
Munoz Juan HMM-164
Murdoch John HMM-164
Roots John HMM-164
Scheffler Bill HMM-164
Sellens Wiley HMM-164
Tierney Tim HMM-164
Townley Windle HMM-164
Beckerich Philip HMM-165
Deimel Melvin HMM-165
Durrett William HMM-165
Edgar Andrew HMM-165
Howe Joseph HMM-165
Kuske Greg HMM-165
Nick Paul HMM-165
Otto George HMM-165
Ouellette Gary HMM-165
Rogish Joseph HMM-165
Rotramel Charles (Chuck) HMM-165
Sramek James HMM-165
Taylor James HMM-165
Wissmar Jim HMM-165
Zygowicz Alan HMM-165
Alexander John D. HMM-262
Althoff Dave HMM-262
Blackwell Dennis HMM-262
Buda Richard HMM-262
Cole B. B. HMM-262
Cronin Jim HMM-262
Dacus Terry HMM-262
Elder Walter HMM-262
Felder Otis HMM-262
Gates Phil HMM-262
Gillaspie Jr. Robert HMM-262
Hall,Sr Jerome HMM-262
Harr Mike HMM-262
Jones Walter HMM-262
Kosinski John HMM-262
McMahon Timothy HMM-262
Papageorge David HMM-262
Riley Dale HMM-262
Steinberg Mel HMM-262
Whalen Jr. John E. HMM-262
Zok Larry HMM-262
Alls Gary HMM-263
Applegate Douglas HMM-263
Barber John HMM-263
Bennett Dennis HMM-263
Cleary Bill HMM-263
Darby John HMM-263
Ellingsworth Dale HMM-263
Goetz Peter HMM-263
Hanner Joe HMM-263
Hardesty Michael HMM-263
Hengels Philip HMM-263
Hughes Greg HMM-263
Kelly Michael HMM-263
Lynch James HMM-263
Mattos Tom HMM-263
McKinnie Ed HMM-263
Mello Gordon HMM-263
Moyer T.C. HMM-263
Newcomer Bud HMM-263
Odgers Gerald HMM-263
Price William HMM-263
Reagan Lynn HMM-263
Rinehardt Jim HMM-263
Rook Ronn HMM-263
Salyers Larry HMM-263
Shauley Nick HMM-263
Strawn Ken HMM-263
White Michael T. HMM-263
Young Mike HMM-263
Zeller Don HMM-263
Bastyr Tim HMM-265
Kelly Sam HMM-265
Miller Glen HMM-265
Monserrate Larry HMM-265
Olin George HMM-265
Schmidt Jim HMM-265
Sturkey Marion HMM-265
Cope Russell HMM-361
Graziano Neal HMM-361
Jackson William HMM-361
Kanaley Thomas HMM-361
Kemp Robert HMM-361
McMenamin John HMM-361
Patterson Fred HMM-361
Perez Sixto HMM-361
Samol Joe HMM-361
Turner Jim HMM-361
Turner Sr. Robert HMM-361
Wagner Richard HMM-361
Blowers Douglas HMM-362
Bowman John HMM-362
Carley Michael John HMM-362
Cascio Ben HMM-362
Clark Gerald HMM-362
Cormier C.J. HMM-362
Ferguson Don HMM-362
Gall Ron HMM-362
Glenn Roger HMM-362
Gonneville John HMM-362
Hatcher Garret HMM-362
Hewes Tom HMM-362
Houghton Richard HMM-362
Houglum Daniel HMM-362
Ice Ron HMM-362
Johnson Ron HMM-362
Jones Ralph HMM-362
Jones David HMM-362
Kane Thomas HMM-362
Kersey Rick HMM-362
Logue Kenneth HMM-362
Luhrsen David HMM-362
Matucheski Frank HMM-362
McCallum David HMM-362
McNair Billy HMM-362
Moser Dick HMM-362
Sheehan Robert HMM-362
Sigman Berle HMM-362
Sproule William HMM-362
Street Jim HMM-362
Waldridge Wally HMM-362
Wimmler Charles HMM-362
York Delman HMM-362
Zamora George HMM-362
Allen Richard HMM-363
Allen Eddie HMM-363
Ferris Gregory HMM-363
Fischer Wayne HMM-363
Hallam Michael HMM-363
Herrera Ernest HMM-363
Maddox Wayne HMM-363
Moore Frank HMM-363
Olson Martin HMM-363
Rodriguez Tom HMM-363
Simons Gary HMM-363
West Brian HMM-363
Atad Basil HMM-364
Beeman John HMM-364
Breeding Connie HMM-364
Buckland Jim HMM-364
Caisse Rick HMM-364
Dautriel Ned HMM-364
Erb Steve HMM-364
Gale Sidney HMM-364
Hanson Caisse Stephanie HMM-364
Hemming Phillip HMM-364
Kenny Pat HMM-364
LaBelle John HMM-364
Mardula John HMM-364
Mead Anthony HMM-364
Radliff Gary HMM-364
Robison Eric HMM-364
Robitaille Patrick HMM-364
Sandbulte Wayne HMM-364
Steinberg Bob HMM-364
Tennent Mike HMM-364
Wade Ken HMM-364
Ward George HMM-364
Wise Walter HMM-364
Young Randy HMM-364
Aguirre Mariano HMM-365
Bermudez Frank HMM-365
Easter J.J. HMM-365
Goodfallow Bert HMM-365
Heinzerling Henry HMM-365
Layman Michael HMM-365
mckee george HMM-365
Saunders Dale HMM-365
Thomas Paul HMM-365
Williams David HMM-365
Cassio Charles Other
Duda Frank Other
Ehly Tim Other
Hendrickson Stan Other
Houston W. W. Other
Koclanes Harold Other
Mazur Jim Other
Rock Paul Other
Rock Paul Other
serin jeromr Other
Smith Herb Other
Sullivan Jerome Other
Webster Daniel Other
Woods Doug Other
Bohlman Doc VMO-2
Cummings Bill VMO-2
Dooley Floyd VMO-2
Enockson Jack VMO-2
Fuhrmann Bob VMO-2
hollingsworth jack VMO-2
Larson Lew VMO-2
Maharg Ben VMO-2
Pfeiffer Frank VMO-2
Rider James VMO-2
Rider James VMO-2
Robinson David VMO-2
Sirmon Patrick VMO-2
Tomlinson Joseph VMO-2
Bedrava George VMO-3
Krages Bert VMO-3
Oakey James VMO-3
Perry Robert VMO-3
Pipa Jack VMO-3
Rollins Paul VMO-3
Schwanda Bruce VMO-3
Shubin Edward VMO-3
St Moritz Randy VMO-3
Weaver James VMO-3
Yancey Jack VMO-3
Zaczek Ron VMO-3
bracha henry (jim) VMO-6
Garner Jerry VMO-6
Haines Dick VMO-6
Kufeldt Ed VMO-6
Pearson Michael VMO-6
Reinke Lance VMO-6
Schoenherr David VMO-6
Shoemaker Harry VMO-6
Southard Gary VMO-6
thatcher bobby VMO-6
Thatcher Bobby VMO-6
Turner Joe VMO-6
Waters Kenneth VMO-6
Whaley Bob VMO-6
Wilson Steve VMO-6
Wright Larry VMO-6
Campbell Howard Desere
Epperly Skip
Johnson Jim
Odgers Gerald
Silva Josh

Posted : 2012-06-10 10:07