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Here are some of the photos from the reunion!

10 Posts
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G'day one and all!
As many of you know, I was at the reunion in Ft. Worth last year. I thanks to Bill McNair had a blast. 😀 I just got some of my pics put onto a disk so I can share them with you guys.

Once again I wish to thank all of Pop A Smoke for the good weekend that I had, and hope to see you all in 2008.

If anyone would like to see the pics let me know.
Over and out

If you protest wars, remember that it is the blood of the soldiers who shed theirs for your right to protest them.

Dulce et detcorum est pro patria mori

(It is a beautiful and fitting thing to die for ones country.)

Posted : 2007-03-16 15:46
Posts: 3133
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Reunion photos

Could you post them, please? I'm sure we'd all like a peek!:D

Posted : 2007-03-16 17:24
Posts: 115
Estimable Member


Hey, Aussie, good to read your words again.

Certainly, post your pics here. The guys would surely enjoy them.


Posted : 2007-05-04 22:34
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2006 reunion Photos

txarng124cav, hope you sent someone a disc with the reunion photos on it. Been awhile. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-15 04:10
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reunion Photos(2006)

Joe, do you remember wether txarng124cav from Australia, ever sent a CD with the reunion Photos he was talking about? That was our 2006 reunion. I took a few, mainly of the Birds that flew in for it. I remember it was a hot time for sure. If so, and you know anyone that recieved a CD, let me know so I can try to get them as well. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-15 04:19
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John Ace Hunt;29521 wrote: Joe, do you remember wether txarng124cav from Australia, ever sent a CD with the reunion Photos he was talking about? That was our 2006 reunion. I took a few, mainly of the Birds that flew in for it. I remember it was a hot time for sure. If so, and you know anyone that recieved a CD, let me know so I can try to get them as well. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Don't believe He did or at least I never saw or heard anymore about them . :rolleyes: JJ

Posted : 2010-11-15 22:50
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Photo CD 2006 reunion

That figures jj. Thought someone would have gotten a CD of them, but could have been just talk. Hope he didn't go home and die. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-15 22:57
Posts: 16
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I am not dead just yet!!!

Sorry that I have not posted the pics yet. I will look for them asap. I loved the Pop-A-Smoke reunion in 2006! It was great to meat you all. Once again I am not dead and my home is in Fort Worth with my lovely American wife.
Semper Fi

If you protest wars, remember that it is the blood of the soldiers who shed theirs for your right to protest them.

Dulce et detcorum est pro patria mori

(It is a beautiful and fitting thing to die for ones country.)

Posted : 2010-11-25 22:04
Posts: 0
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Reunion Photos

Thats Great txarng124cav. We were just not sure there. Glad you have made it to Ft. Worth, and doing Good. We will be looking forward to the photos as it was another Great Reunion. A number of us have passed since then, and hope you can get them posted just real soon. Goodness, Australia was a long way away. Hope you and yours like it a bit better here now, or again. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-11-25 23:09
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: Here are some of the photos from the reunion!

txarng124cav, its been awhile since you were going to post those reunion photos. Hope you still will post them, as a lot of us would like to see them. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2011-02-25 21:17