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Wear A White Hat
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Wear A White Hat

4 Posts
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I think we wore the white hat,
And rode a white horse, too:
My brother wrote, "Don't hate them",
And "Eagles don't eat flies".
(He meant the high-tech edge
we had) but killing's basic:
A stick, a stone
Will do you just as well.
We've been able
Since Cain.
We had the helos,
But they had a plan,
And secret armies
Hidden in waiting.
Don't hate them,
But kill them as you must
(as they will you).
If you can imagine this:
Kill them with dignity
As you would die the same.
Different, foe,
A man.

My brother wrote:
He wasn't there, but he was right, and
I flew straight, with bunghole tight,
Resisting the urges
Of fear and flight.

They had many
Good shots at me,
In the air, on land,
(Safe at sea);
Didn't always miss.
Yet I'm home, welcome or not.
I beat the odds.
Now home from the highlands and paddies,
I work and hope for more.

My future was reborn
In that past;
Pulled with pain
And forceps scarred,
From the womb of war
As she lay writhing
In the gore
Of her creation.

I found myself back then
And grew up
In a thoughtful hurry.
Prayer and luck and flying skill
Got me through
(and a trained ear for where
a rocket would hit).

Now an aging ex-warrior
Blessed with sons,
Home I am, and home to stay;
Loving my sons,
For whom I fear
That duty will summon

The price of Freedom's
Very high,
As ever has it been;
A long-term lease
Not owned outright;
Now and then, payment's due:
The currency is blood.

There are those who can,
And those who can't,
And those who won't,
And those who will.
Sons of mine,
As I've loved you,
I’ve cursed you.
For of others, you can,
And will, and must.

In your genes is bred a duty code:
When payment's due
On our priceless home
That we call Freedom:


Do your duty
Through my tears
And remember what I've taught you.
Remember that I love you
And remember who you are.
Duty done, come home:
Not with your shield or on it,
But don't give it away.
Wear the white hat
And ride the white horse.

I think that my brother
Was talking about honor.

This was written when I had 3 sons, and they were of an age when they could be called to war.

Posted : 2003-07-30 23:52
Kelly M. Lea
Posts: 13
Active Member

Thanx for posting this Ed. I loved it. Gave me goosebumps from line 2 to the end!! I love reading original stuff that you guys pour from the heart. I am keeping this one!



Posted : 2003-07-31 05:24
Posts: 3
New Member

Thanks Ed,

Glad I got the chance to see and read this before anyone got the notion to zap it. Great reading and written from the heart.


Posted : 2003-07-31 08:40
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Warrior Sons

Great job, Ed! Both my sons are past draft age these days, although they both signed up when they turned 18. I'm thankful that they didn't have to do and go and see what we did. I hope my 3 grandsons will also get a "bye" when they sign up, as well.
Your words are most eloquent and have a deep meaning for those of us luck enough to have sons and grandsons.
Semper Fi,

Posted : 2003-07-31 10:45