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ThunderChickens version of Night Before Christmas

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From: "Rock LtCol Paul J (ACE VMM-263 CO)"

An elf recently wrote this version on Christmas Eve after the first-annual 263 Holiday Flotilla. Hope you enjoy it.


'Twas the night before Christmas
And all through the base,
Many folks were in motion, no change to their pace.

And I in my flight suit
And warm thermal shirt,
Had just briefed CASEVAC - 30 minute alert.

Because Christmas in Iraq
Is just one more day,
The mission is constant, with no time away.

Or is there? One wonders...
Though the mission holds sway,
There's room to recall, that it's not just a Monday.

So we grabbed a few minutes
Without causing a fuss,
And had a ThunderChicken parade - with no one but us.

And out of their workspaces,
Each hard-working Marine
Came dressed and equipped for a Christmas-y scene.

Antlers and sleigh bells
And glow-belts a-flashin'
Poly-pro underwear as outerwear - now that's fashion!

A Corporal's new chicken suit
With laughter we're stricken,
Marching before a bucket of Thunder Fried Chicken.

And the Operations Department
Had elected their King,
Whose primary duty involved Silly String.

The crowd roared their enjoyment
Of this grand hullabaloo,
And prizes were awarded - to all Bravo Zulu!

But it was over too quickly
Again duty did call,
Back to the mission, we emptied the hall.

Spin up for weapons checks
On a cold Anbar night,
With the moon in full spectacle; it's surprisingly bright.

Perhaps that's the reason
We were able to spy,
A fat elf in a sleigh as he hauled on by.

On Flechette! on Dazzler! on Sabot and Tracer!
On Pointer! on Rocket! on Spotlight and Laser!

He called plain-as-day
Across Tower's channel,
And requested to test fire his brand-new flare panel.

We nearly inverted
So complete was our shock,
But we retracted our gear, and got ready to rock.

Nacelles coming down
We would catch this ol' gent,
And follow the bogey wherever he went.

But he was no slouch
And he caught us in trail,
Pulled up abeam and declared - "I ain't haulin' the mail!"

"I'm off to deliver
Hope and good spirit...
And when I'm on target, no one need fear it"

"I'm proud of you folks
And the job that you do
The many defended, by only a few"

"So take heart," said the elf
And our flag he unfurled,
"Your service to your country will make a better world."

And with that he changed freq
And lit off like a shot,
Making us wonder if we'd even seen him or not.

Then his voice came once more
As he sped out of sight,
"Merry Christmas ThunderChickens, You're Winning The Fight!"

Posted : 2007-12-27 12:13
Posts: 3132
Active Members

Thunder Chicken Christmas!

Outstanding, Col. Rock! OohRah!:D

Posted : 2007-12-28 18:55