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The Vigil

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The Vigil

She watches him as he sleeps at night, and she begans to pray,
"God, let him rest, don't let the nightmares come to take him away".

She knows the darkness brings not sleep, but the place where his heart stays,
Still she watches... loving him and always, she prays.

Awakened, he lies beside her, while the world around them sleeps.
He prays to God the ones who were lost, in His goodness He will keep.

He walks to the window, sees the ghosts in the night, his mind wanders then,
To a place where the dream was real, and he was fighting with his men.

His heart and body aching, pleading for a peaceful night,
As he awakens, remembering the ones now gone, still seeing their look of fright.

Mirroring a time of death, their names glow gold on a cold black wall.
He can't forget, he mustn't forget, he must remember all.

God, they were all such good men, why did they have to die?
He's back in the seat of the chopper, flying through a fright filled sky.

He wanders through the still of night, his mind cannot rest,
Plagued by memories of his dear brothers, they were all put to the test.

He hears a voice, screaming in the night, the tears roll down his face,
He can't forget, he won't forget, his brothers or that place.

She waits in silence, watching him, her heart is beating so,
"Lord help him to get through this night. . help him to let go".

He thinks she doesn't understand, could never know the pain,
But he knows not what is in her heart, as he walks the night, again.

Returning, he moves next to her, as he tries again to sleep,
She says not a word, but holds him close, as the memory they keep.

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-04-15 16:34
Posts: 896
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George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-04-15 16:35
Posts: 128
Estimable Member


His name was Tony LiCausi. He was from Brooklyn, New York - straight from Central Casting. The only time he had been west of the Hudson River was the 4 years he spent in the US Army and then he went far west, all the way to a place called Vietnam.

He worked for me as an engineer. One of his responsibilities was to handle field problems by phone. I noticed that he got along particularily well with our customers in the South, not what one would expect from a Yankee New Yorker who truly believed that everything one could possibly want in life was right there in the 5 Buroughs. Tony explained; "I like Southerners and they can tell. My best buddy in the Army was from a small town in Alabama."

One morning he seemed tired and unwell. "Had a bad night" he explained. "Most nights are bad but this was worse than most. Remember my Alabama buddy, he was killed saving my ass. He had orders for the world but came out on a last patrol with me in the bush when he didn't have to. Somebody has to watch your Yankee ass, he said."

"In my worst nightmare I escort his body home. I try to tell his parents that it should have been me who died and I ask them to forgive me but I always wake up before they do."

"How often do you have nightmares?" I asked him.

"Every night" he said. "Some aren't that bad but last night's is always the worst. I relive everything."

Later he stuck his head in my office and said "Hope I didn't embarass you. I've never told anyone else about my nightmares but I knew you'd understand." I didn't know how to help him and I doubt he would have accepted it if I did. His wife had died and he was bringing up 2 daughters by himself.

We moved apart and I lost touch. In October 1999, I received a phone call from his daughter. "Dad died last night, in his sleep. The doctors say it looks like a massive heart attack." There had been no prior indications of heart problems.

Anthony J. LiCausi, Sergeant US Army. Died age 52. Name not on The Wall but Vietnam killed him.


Posted : 2003-04-25 23:05
Posts: 0
New Member

The Vigil

JAN, I normally don't like to read these posts, but I have to say that you touched my heart with this one.

HMM-263 '66-'67

Posted : 2003-04-26 01:44
Posts: 8
Active Member

Thank you..

John .. . .Thank you . .for that compelling story . .

and Gary . .

Thank you . .. .. ..you have all touched my heart ....


Posted : 2003-04-26 08:38
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

IN MEMORY, Tony LiCausi


An air of stillness overshadows, this final resting place,
Black granite holds the memories, etched deep upon its face.
The names of comrades long ago, we see through eyes of tears,
"Whispers from The Wall", now listen through these years.

How I've yearned to see once more, the smiles of friends so dear.
And once again to feel the joy, their laughter on my ear;
Distant voices of long lost brothers to my heart will bring,
"Whispers from The Wall", Hush! Hear their spirits sing?

I touch their names with trembling hand, the pain etched deep inside.
I trace the lines of memories of friends who for us died.
Where is my name, it should have been, etched too upon this Wall,
"Whispers from The Wall" I hear, "You could not save us all"!

"For you we gave our lives dear brother, to live a better day,
You would have done the same for us", I heard these Whispers say.
"The guilt for having lived you've carried through each year,
Release them to your fallen friends", "Whispers from The Wall" I hear.

"Did we give our lives in vain," your heart fills with regret.
"That you survived instead of us, this guilt you can't forget?"
"We laid our young lives down for you, you would have given all;
Look in your soul, you'll know the truth," come "Whispers from The Wall".

"Carry our memory with you, as if next to you we stand,
and salute for us "Old Glory", waving free above this land."
"With you we walk, be proud, stand tall, we all have done our
"Whispers from the Wall", flowing to this saddened heart.

"And live each day as if for two, as though one of us were there!"
"Don't wallow in self-pitying guilt, nor anger and despair!"
"We are the best this country has, so live your life as such;
If you were here and we stood there, you too would ask as much!"

An air of stillness always will overshadow this resting place,
and names of friends remain, etched on its granite face.
But should you stand real quiet there, Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall,
Hush! Now Listen! Eternal truths..... "WHISPERS FROM THE WALL"

by: Brian J. Muegge

When I read this I thought immediately of Tony LiCausi. He never did visit the Wall. I think it would have helped but who knows?


Posted : 2003-06-21 01:13