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the Duty Code
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the Duty Code

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 24
Eminent Member
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As it was and as it Should be~

the Angel of War
said to me

The Duty Code~

Was handed
to me

As Above!
So below-

I nodded

It Made Sense
To Me

Up there it is all Clear

Down here it gets

And mingled in
Our Tears

the Blood gets shed
the Death
comes near

And ~ afar

As those who serve
Go home

Home to Me!!

Harks the Angel

and cries the answeree

I am here!!
Here I am~~

I proudly served
and beared the

Arms of My country
Proud and true

My soul,
I beared for you

as I look upon you now
I see it so clear
I love you so much

My soul to you is near

I fly up to you all
My service is so great

It was coded in my genes
for you to

the Greatest Nod of it ALL~
the Service code

Like the computer
it is in the Node

the century before me
and Aft

is it not?

As above
and below~~

the Coding is true

the Imprint is growing
Can you see it too?

As above
so below

For now
it must show

The Code
for those
who will Know

If you read this
You are ONE

Bow on Your knees
and be blessed as One

And pass
the Code on

To those who will

Blessings and prayers

Be with Peace

We are ALL forgiven and Blessed

thank you for your service~~~

All gave some...Some gave All


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Posted : 2003-08-01 08:43