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The Chopper Jockey
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The Chopper Jockey

4 Posts
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by Paul M. Allen


Posted : 2004-02-14 22:00
Bill Phillips
Posts: 42
Eminent Member

Wally, this poem really shows how fast attitudes can change. When I was an instructor at Marine Corps Development and Education Command in the early 70's Bud Grissom, Lamar Phillips and I were the helo instructors in the Aviation Branch, while the other instructors were F-4,A-4, and A-6 jocks and outnumbered us 2-1. When we gave the Aviation Indoc classes, the jet guys would always make disparaging remarks about us when they introduced us. We responded with an adage that we did not originate(I don't know who should get the creditJ) but it was to the point. "Fear not the scorn of the jet jockey. They all smile when coming up the hoist."

Posted : 2004-02-16 21:45
Posts: 0
New Member

That's one of the better quotes I've ever heard! Wouldn't mind posting that one on the main page of POPASMOKE!

Posted : 2004-02-16 22:40
Posts: 128
Estimable Member

When I was with 7th Fleet we would hear things from the jet set like "my stall speed is faster than you can fly". One of our crew chiefs then asked a particularly noisy jet jockey if he was floating in the Tonkin Gulf in his life vest which would he rather see coming towards him, a helicopter or an F8.

And guess what, a few days later an F4 splashed and the crew were picked up by a nearby H-46. No complaints from either of them about its top speed.

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Posted : 2004-02-20 02:09