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Subject: We really need J. Edgar Hoover


This post has been removed from he NOTAM Board because it is not in compliance with the NOTAM Board rules.

As the rules state, and as all members know by now, “The NOTAM Board is not meant to serve as a chat room or general discussion site. The NOTAM board is not intended to provide a forum for political discussions. We do not want to dilute it or divert it from its mission of preserving the history of the war and the memories of those Marines who fought in it.”

Tom Hewes
Couth Officer

Posted : 2003-09-07 21:48
Posts: 56
Trusted Member


I would suggest you read "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert Heinline.

It may help you understand the feelings and distrust brought about by the "hearings" of which you expound.

Not all those tarred with the brush of the hearings were remotely connected or supporters of Communists or Communism.

Not all those that disagree with current policy on Afghanastan or Iraq or Terriorism are disloyal to the United States. They just see things from a different angle is all. True, that "angle" may not be what you and I and others may think it should be, but it is their RIGHT, won by many that are not here, to think that way.

I just hope that this Nation never has that distrust of each other that was so prevelant during that, in my opinion, dark time of "right think'".

Oh boy! More Ham 'n Muthas

Posted : 2003-09-07 22:46
Posts: 60
Trusted Member


Do not know what was posted, but you have hit the nail on the head...America is about freedom. As long as I or no one else tries to harm each other physically then I say bring on the words. Words really cannot hurt anyone and censorship, at least to me is wrong...no matter where it is practiced

Just maybe, the forum needs a 'political' area where those who wish to discuss the political aspects of our country in an educated way is allowed. Keep it clean and let anyone who wishes to do so howl at the moon all day or night long if they wish.

We are all big boys and girls here, and I do not see where former members of the military should be restricted from expressing their political views. Anyone gets out of line, they get a warning. Second warning, a Captains Mast and some form of KP or extra med-evacs. Third time...Court Martial and exile for a period of time to be determined by the 'brass.':rolleyes:

Posted : 2003-09-09 17:48
Posts: 896
Prominent Member


To refresh your memory, the current policy states:

The purpose of the NOTAM Board is to provide a resource where Marine Corps pilots, aircrewmen, and support personnel who were associated in any way with helicopters during the Vietnam War can get in touch, swap war stories, catch up with each other, and rekindle the camaraderie they felt when they were in-country. It is also a place where people who want to know about the Vietnam War and the people who served in that conflict can come to ask questions of the experts - the men who lived through it.

The NOTAM Board is not meant to serve as a chat room or general discussion site. The NOTAM board is not intended to provide a forum for political discussions. We do not want to dilute it or divert it from its mission of preserving the history of the war and the memories of those Marines who fought in it.

To that end, all postings to the NOTAM Board should relate to Vietnam, the people who served there, the Marine Corps, or helicopters. Postings that stray off course can and will be removed from the site and either deleted or moved to a more appropriate location. Discussions regarding sex, politics or religion should take place on other websites more appropriate for such discussions. The individual forum moderators under the direction of a Couth Officer who will make decisions as to what should be deleted or moved. Any questions about what is appropriate for the NOTAM Board should be directed to the Couth Officer.


George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2003-09-09 22:00