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My Little Sister
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My Little Sister

2 Posts
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The shock and awe has subsided and the war as I knew it, has been removed from my view.
The major battle has ceased they say, as has the incessant coverage.
Deserving heroes are welcomed home and claims of victory declared.
Forcibly, I have been pulled away from the constant updates and visions of a war and all it’s daily tolls.
Away from the incessant coverage that held my heart, my mind and my soul.
But, I am unable to force myself away from the now occasional news.
I still seek one small glimpse, of one special face.
How many others seek one special face, a grandchild, son, daughter, brother, sister, father, mother, loved one or friend.
Just one glimpse to relieve the grip of dread, the not knowing; is he or she, alive or dead?
We, who still have hero’s there, have been released from the incessant show, released to go on with life.
Then, why do I still seek visions of the war, why do I resent being released. Why do I feel so let down?
The war is not over; my grandchild is not home.
I don’t know where he is, or even if he is!
But, I want to know.
I want to know, every moment of every day, when his life and spirit comes to my mind and my heart.
Is this the way it is with war, when they say, “The major battle has been won?“
To some, perhaps the war is over and the Red, White and Blue, have rung true.
Victor’s and victories to us belong.
And, is it true, our lives, as usual, must go on?
Is this the way it goes?
I hope we all know better!
The battle‘s never won, not even when the last soldier returns home.
I don’t believe all this to be true.
My grandson called on Mother’s Day
I didn’t know what to say.
“I love you,” I said.
“It’s so good to hear you voice.”
“Take care of yourself”, “I love you”
“Here, I’ll let you talk to your Dad.”
I had to cry and I couldn’t speak.
I had to let go so he wouldn‘t know.
The time, too short, the words, too few.
So much I wanted to say, unsaid.
Why is it always left unsaid?
Does anyone else feel as I do?
The war is not over; my loved one’s not home.
Someone, who can speak the words I need to hear, Speak.
What do I need to know?
What can I say to my loved one so far away?
The war, it’s worse now than then.
He’s there, a soldier, a target, and a very young man, old before his time.
I still know, though alive, he has died somewhere deep inside.
But, I’ve allowed myself to hide, in the sound of his voice. He is alive!
What can I give him to hold him sane and safe?
Someone, who can speak the words I need to hear, Speak.
Out of sight and out of mind does not remove the truth; The war is not over for them, or for me or for you!
Pray for the loved ones who remain. God, please, bring them home again.
Pray for the loved ones of those who never returned. God grant they are aware of our compassion and concern!
God Bless them all!
Michael’s Grandma

Posted : 2003-11-05 22:17
Posts: 0
New Member


Right on the mark, Jack. It ain't over till it's over. And it ain't over.

He’s there, a soldier, a target, and a very young man, old before his time. I still know, though alive, he has died somewhere deep inside.

If all our yesterdays
Have lighted fools the way
To dusty death,
Tomorrow might be better.
At least, tomorrow means
I didn't die today.
Youth is outraged
To discover his mortality,
And very quickly

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The daring, risks, the quickened beat,
The "God and Country" prose,
Have drawn you to my flame and heat,
So lighten the way you chose.
Now leave your home and kin behind
To go where they cannot;
There's glory waiting, of a kind
That's worth the shell and shot.

I never take except I give,
For when the field is won,
You'll carry with you, while you live,
A sense of duty done.
The wage I offer for your hire
Is neither gold nor dross:
The pounding pulse, the senses afire,
Will counterbalance loss.

Posted : 2003-11-06 15:17