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Low Flight

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: woody980@sbcglobal.net

Greetings from an old USAF H-19 driver (1954-56):

The following poem came in a memorial email message from the USAFHPA, and I thought you might be interested:

Low Flight
by –Syd Pool

Now I have flown where the air's so thin
Oxygen masks are needed by men.
And I have looped and rolled and soared
And leaned on Mach - and come home bored. Sooooo

Give others-greedy-that Icarian stuff,
I'd rather drive the Sikorsky buff
Or woppity-wop in a bird from Bell;
That stiff-wing stuff just doesn't jell.

No "Contact!...Judy!" you'll hear from me.
But a chopper-duck dogfight's a sight to see.
On herding moose I could write a tome;
I've even helped the buffalo roam.

Yes, passenger-pilot is a fat occupation,
But I get my kicks with an auto-rotation.
No G-wrung piles will be my ration;
And low freq. rattles end constipation.

Someone said flight is high and fast
But seeing the world is a greater blast.
So let me hover for all I'm worth,
Reach out my hand, and touch the face of earth.

Posted : 2007-09-27 23:01