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Coming Home~

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 24
Eminent Member
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Coming Home
Are the words
and the Thought

On their minds

As they ease the packs
and drain the mind

Things at peace
Minds at ease

Knees bent
Smiles to please

The papers in hand
not to leave the sight

of the Marine
Coming Home~~~~~

Dear MOM!!!
Guess What!!!??

I got the word today
It got approved

I get to come home
This Week!!

Praise God!!
Pass the Word!!

Make that casserole I like
Call my friends

I cant remember when
I have seen Len....

I have so much to tell you
So much to say

I cannot say it in this letter
I shall tell you that day

I walk on the tarmack
All shiny and new

Like a new penny
specially for you....

I love you so much
and my country too....

Thank God for this Country
and you.....

and Ohh...if you remember
Say a prayer for my friend

It is because of him
and his Honor....

that for this day
I am in

Such Honor and Glory
Awaits him today

His Mom will See him too
But in a Coffin he lay

His hands are folded
A flag to display

Dear Mommie
I love You AND

This Country Today.
Is my Honor and Glory

Remember this may
Be the last time

You look at a letter
from me

For My Flag and my Country
I get to Come Home

to Thee.
For this, My mom
and my Country.

Posted : 2003-11-29 07:02