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A Soldier's Pra...
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A Soldier's Prayer

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Saw this a long time ago but just came across it again.

A Soldier's Prayer

Look God:
I have never spoken to You,
But now I want to say,
"How do You do."
You see God,
they told me You did not exist;
And, like a fool,
I believed all of this.
Last night from a shell hole
I saw Your sky;
I figured right then
they had told me a lie.
Had I taken the time
to see the things You made,
I would know they weren't calling
a spade a spade.
I wonder, God,
if You would shake my hand;
Somehow, I feel
that You will understand.
Strange, I had to come
to this hellish place
Before I had time
to see Your face.
Well, I guess there isn't
much more to say,
But I am sure glad, God,
I met You today.
I guess the zero hour
will soon be here,
But I am not afraid
since I know You are near.
The signal - well, God,
I will have to go;
I love you lots,
this I want you to know.
Looks like this will be
a horrible fight;
Who knows, I may come
to your house tonight.
Though I wasn't friendly
with you before,
I wonder, God,
if you would wait at the door.
Look, I am crying,
me shedding tears!
I wish I had known you
these many years.
Well, I will have to go now, God.
Strange, since I met you,
I am not afraid to die.

~ Author Unknown ~
This simple poem was found on the body of a
nineteen-year-old American soldier in Vietnam.

Posted : 2003-07-21 12:31