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Veterans Day Weekend at The Wall

6 Posts
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Veterans Day Weekend and THE BIRTHDAY are almost upon us. POPASMOKE will once again be setting up the tent (hootch) at 20th and Constitution Ave. near The Wall. Why not join the POPASMOKE crew for a great weekend meeting and greeting Veterans, their families, and the many others who come to pay tribute.

The POPASMOKE crew will be setting up on the evening of Friday 9 Nov. 2007 about 7:00PM. We can use all the help that you can give for the set up and manning the hootch over the weekend.

The hootch will be open from 0800 to about 1600 hrs. on Saturday and Sunday. Monday hours 0800 to about 1430 hrs.

POPASMOKE wreath laying ceremony is at 1200 hrs on Saturday 10 Nov. Birthday cake cutting to follow immediately after the wreath laying ceremony.

Please advise "Crazy Joe" Scholle or Larry Zok if you can help with this important POPASMOKE event.

Many thanks and Semper Fi.

"Crazy Joe"

Posted : 2007-10-22 16:27
Posts: 592
Honorable Member

The Wall

Marines & Devil Doc's

There was a tv ad today featuring Lt Rocky Bleir (Pittsburg Steelers) who asked everyone to come down to the Wall for the 25th Anniversary. Guess we might get a little busy. Ron Winter will be coming down to sign some of his books - Sturk is now Commandant of his MCL Detachment and has a Ball to put on in South Carolina and will be in absentia. Come one, come all. We can really use the help.

LZ out

Posted : 2007-10-22 18:48
Posts: 0
New Member

Change in Time for Wreath Laying Ceremony

Change is the only constant in the world and we have one.

POPASMOKE tried to get the 12:00 noon time for the wreath laying ceremony on Nov. 10th at The Wall. The Parks Dept. took forever but has FINALLY told us that 12:00 noon is a NO GO, too many other events that day and time. Ceremony will now take place at 11:00AM vice 12:00 noon. Please adjust your plans to attend accordingly.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Semper Fi

"Crazy Joe"

Posted : 2007-11-06 13:29
Posts: 0
New Member

Change 2

Change being the only constant, there is another one to the POPASMOKE tent (hootch) hours this weekend at The Wall.

By Command Decision, the hootch WILL NOT BE OPEN ON MONDAY. Shut down is now scheduled for about 1530 hrs on Sunday. We hope this causes no inconvenience to anyone planning to drop by.

Semper Fi

"Crazy Joe"

Posted : 2007-11-10 18:05
Posts: 592
Admin Active Members

PICS at the Wall 11.10.07

Here are a few of the PICS taken today:
Crew manning the tent.
LZ cutting the cake
Oldest and Youngest

Attached files

Posted : 2007-11-10 21:18
Posts: 32
Eminent Member

pictures, and Artical abou Service at the Wall

To see a picture of the Wreath, Color Guard & Bugler and Cake at the Popasmoke tent on the mall in Washington DC, November 10, 2007 before the Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Wall followed by the Birthday Cake cutting ( 2 Cakes were served in 35 minutes to Guest ) go to the Vietnam Picture Gallery, 50 NEWEST UPLOADS, also check out the Article by Ron Winter posted in the Junk on the Bunk Section

Posted : 2007-11-14 08:00