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my sister, Mary Gil...
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my sister, Mary Gilpatric, is a flight attendant with ATA

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Registered: Feb 2002
Posts: 3

My sister, Mary Gilpatric, is a flight attendant with ATA... she has flown troops to both Afghan & Iraq, both ways) Thank you, Thom "Sundown" Leonard, Sgt. VMO-6/HMM-262, QuangTri '69....:

"hi folks, just wanted to let you all know I'm home, safe and sound, had a great trip, especially last night when we arrived in Lawton, Oklahoma, Fort Sill Army Base...we were invited to join the Welcome Home ceremonies......as we approached the hangar, Brigadier General David Valcourt met us, took us around to the front of the hangar, where all the family members_sat on bleachers on both sides of the hangar....._as we walked in, an announcement was made that we were the flight crew who brought their boys home safely.....we received a standing ovation and all of us had tears in our eyes....we waved back and smiled....then we were led to a special section that was saved for us and other VIPs....the seats even had a tag that said "flight crew" on it......many people came up, shook our hands and thanked us.....they also wanted to take our picture, we also were taking pictures......signs and banners lined the walls, kids waved flags and balloon boquets.......the local radio station asked our senior for an interview, they were doing a live broadcast.....we all felt like celebrities.....when the guys finally marched in, more cheers, waves, tears, smiles and camera flashing was going on... they had to stand at attention while a couple of speeches were made, which included another announcement about us, and that we were going to Mike's Sports Bar afterward, and they were all invited.....a prayer was said and the National Anthem sung.....then the boys were dismissed and everyone literally ran into each others arms....it was the most amazing scene I have ever witnessed and it made me extremely proud to be wearing my wings and doing the job that_I do.....everyone was crying, including all of us.....I have many pictures, and when I get them on my computer I will try sending them to you......
ok, now that I'm getting all weepy again, I'll sign off for now.....take care and I'll talk to y'all later


George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-04-08 19:22