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Marine Corp. Hero not in the news?

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The following is from:


May 10, 2004
An American Hero
When my son called today to wish me a happy Mother's Day, he mentioned that a Marine had been awarded the Navy Cross last week and the Commandant of the Corps, Gen. Michael W. Hagee, visited his base (Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Training Center, Twentynine Palms, California) to personally award the medal. My son's description of Captain Brian R. Chontosh was that "he's one badass Marine".

Here's what Capt. Chontosh did:

It was a year ago on the march into Baghdad. Brian Chontosh was a platoon leader rolling up Highway 1 in a humvee.
When all hell broke loose.

Ambush city.

The young Marines were being cut to ribbons. Mortars, machine guns, rocket propelled grenades. And the kid out of Churchville was in charge. It was do or die and it was up to him.

So he moved to the side of his column, looking for a way to lead his men to safety. As he tried to poke a hole through the Iraqi line his humvee came under direct enemy machine gun fire.

It was fish in a barrel and the Marines were the fish.

And Brian Chontosh gave the order to attack. He told his driver to floor the humvee directly at the machine gun emplacement that was firing at them. And he had the guy on top with the .50 cal unload on them.

Within moments there were Iraqis slumped across the machine gun and Chontosh was still advancing, ordering his driver now to take the humvee directly into the Iraqi trench that was attacking his Marines. Over into the battlement the humvee went and out the door Brian Chontosh bailed, carrying an M16 and a Beretta and 228 years of Marine Corps pride.

And he ran down the trench.

With its mortars and riflemen, machineguns and grenadiers.

And he killed them all.

He fought with the M16 until it was out of ammo. Then he fought with the Beretta until it was out of ammo. Then he picked up a dead man’s AK47 and fought with that until it was out of ammo. Then he picked up another dead man’s AK47 and fought with that until it was out of ammo.

At one point he even fired a discarded Iraqi RPG into an enemy cluster, sending attackers flying with its grenade explosion.

When he was done Brian Chontosh had cleared 200 yards of entrenched Iraqis from his platoon’s flank. He had killed more than 20 and wounded at least as many more.

And Capt. Chontash wasn't the only one recognized last Thursday.

"They are the reflection of the Marine Corps type who's service to the Marine Corps and country is held above their own safety and lives," said Gen. Hagee, commenting on the four Marines who received medals during the ceremony. "I'm proud to be here awarding the second highest and third highest awards for bravery to these great Marines."

This guy reminds me of Chesty Puller.
But, you don't see this in the news do you?

Posted : 2004-05-12 10:26
Posts: 118
Estimable Member


DAVE, Thanks for the article, it was reassuing that: THE MARINE CORPS LIVES ON!!

**GySgt [J.D.] MACK McKernan {Retired}**

{VMO-6, Quang Tri} **{Mar69-Mar70}**πŸ™‚

Posted : 2004-05-12 16:23
Posts: 44
Eminent Member

not in news

Yer right Dave a lot of the real stuff THEY won't print. I won't go into why. What you reminded me of was something I saw a few weeks back' probably here. And that was ''as long as there is the USMC there will be a USA .. Tom Foster....HML-167......70-71 semper fi

Posted : 2004-05-12 18:41
Posts: 896
Prominent Member


Sgt. Marco A. Martinez (left). a U.S. Marine from Las Cruces was awarded the Navy Cross for extreme valor and courage during combat actions in Iraq last year.

1st Lt. Brian Chontosh received a Navy Cross for displaying extraordinary heroism during combat on March 25, 2003. Chontosh was cited for "displaying decisive leadership and unlimited courage in the face of heavy fire and initiating a single-handed audacious attack that cleared 200 meters of enemy trench and resulted in the deaths of 20 enemy soldiers."

Lance Cpl. Joseph Perez received a Navy Cross for displaying decisive leadership and courage under heavy fire and devotion to duty in his role as squad point man during a clash with Iraqi forces on April 4, 2003, on the road to Baghdad. Perez was severely wounded during the incident, but continued to play a key role as his squad ultimately destroyed the enemy position.

A Navy SEAL assigned to the Special Warfare Center in Coronado received the Navy Cross, this week for heroism during a rescue mission in Afghanistan.

Chief Petty Officer Stephen Bass also was one of three special-operations personnel among six service members honored by a prominent national-security support group, underscoring the unprecedented role special-operations forces played in the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts.

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-05-12 18:56