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Care Packages for the Fallujah Marines

1 Posts
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Posts: 896
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From: Weigelt Lt Brian D [mailto:WeigeltBD@1MARDIVDM.usmc.mil]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 1:20 PM
> To: 'clay.snear@mail.com'
> Subject: RE: Care Packages for the Fallujah Marines
> Thank you for your willingness to help. Here are some of the items
> most requested now:
> Chips & Salsa
> Beef Jerky
> "Cup Of Noodles"
> Easy Mac & Cheese
> Ramen Noodles
> Pop Tarts
> Tuna Salad Packs
> Cookies
> Little Debbie Snacks (Oatmeal Pies and others that might not melt) Dr.
> Pepper Mountain Dew Microwave Popcorn Gatorade powder (fruit punch or
> grape) Ice tea powder Green T-shirts (M or L)
> I hadn't heard about the flea collar option, but Marines are innovative!
> Here is my address, and I can distribute packages:
> LT Brian Weigelt, CHC, USNR
> 2/4 H&S Co. (S-1)
> UIC 40280
> FPO AP 96426-0280
> Thanks again, and I will be sure to tell those who receive from you of
> love of the Corps.
> Sincerely,
> Chaplain Weigelt
> LT Brian Weigelt, CHC, USNR
> 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines
> Battalion Chaplain
> ---Original Message-----
> From: Clay Snear [mailto:clay.snear@mail.com]
> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 1:46 PM
> To: Chaplain Brian Weigelt
> Subject: Care Packages for the Fallujah Marines
> Chaplin Weigelt:
> A friend of mine Lt Commander Ken Wagner was kind enough to provide
> your name.
> I am a Viet Nam Marine, HMM 262 '67/'68.
> I hear that the Marines in Fallujah are outside of the Exchange system
> and in need of some basics. Therefore some like minded friends and I
> wanted to send non perishables and toiletries to the Marines in
> Fallujah. Our thinking was to send the box to the Company Gunny and
> let him redistribute as necessary.
> I tried a generic approach to the Company Gunny Sgt. But the US Post
> Office wants a specific person. Example: Fox Company Gunnery
> Sergeant, 2/1, USMC, U/C 40280, FPO AP 96426-0280.
> Can you help? Can you provide a means to accomplish this goal? Is
> the address correct? Can you provide some names?
> Thanks in advance,
> Semper Fi,
> Clay Snear
> clay.snear@mail.com
> 281.655.5652

George T. Curtis (RIP. 9/17/2005)

Posted : 2004-05-12 17:22