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AK-47 fire is ineff...
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AK-47 fire is ineffective???

28 Posts
16 Users
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When an MP in Chu-Lai, another Marine and I took a number of weapons to the rock quary across from the #2 gate, and fired for almost an hour the different weapons. We had the 16's, and fired those a bit as well. Thats about all I had anything to do with it. As stated before, I had a 16 double clipped at the cabin Hatch, 3 in the Crew box double clipped, and one on each side of the ramp double clipped. I was going to have a 16 ready if we were shot down, and needed one for the whole Crew. They were med-evac weapons and written off, so I kept them for escape protection if needed for us. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-10-30 17:31
Posts: 1387
Noble Member


John Ace Hunt;28947 wrote: When an MP in Chu-Lai, another Marine and I took a number of weapons to the rock quary across from the #2 gate, and fired for almost an hour the different weapons. We had the 16's, and fired those a bit as well. Thats about all I had anything to do with it. As stated before, I had a 16 double clipped at the cabin Hatch, 3 in the Crew box double clipped, and one on each side of the ramp double clipped. I was going to have a 16 ready if we were shot down, and needed one for the whole Crew. They were med-evac weapons and written off, so I kept them for escape protection if needed for us. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

I left Vietnam,Republic of Oct. '67. At that time.,the Corps still held all medivac weapons & captured weapons as accountable & were inventoried.
Then came the Tet offensive & the stink really hit the fan.
I reckon that the paperwork got to be too much of a load.,even for our Glorious Corps.




Posted : 2010-10-31 08:54
Posts: 0
New Member


Mike, that may have been so in '67, but by '69 when we would get an e-vac, I kept the 1st 6 and kept them on my Bird in case we were shot down, and as stated, if the gooks were coming in the cabin door, we all would have been able to have a 16 going out the ramp, and away from the Bird. That was my intent in keeping them. I never had anyone take them away from me. Just kept the 16's. Never would keep anything else. I did have an eye out for a sniper Rifle, but thank God we never had a sniper vac. It depended as well on wether it was a going home e-vac, or a minor injury with them going back to duty. I did have the sense enough to know weather they would be needing it again. Semper Fi, and READY-APP.

Posted : 2010-10-31 09:16
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