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Tommy H. Thopson HMM-265

1 Posts
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Tommy H. Thompson, HMM-265 passed away in Dallas TX 9/1/08 after suffering a stroke. Tommy was a very good friend of mine, and I joined this website to get the word out. I have funeral details and contact info if anyone needs it. I know he was really excited about the last reunion in Washington, but his health kept him from making it. He was loved by his fellow veterans and especially by the close knit band of former Marines that were his friends. I was fortunate enough to be included in that group. If anyone has memories of Tommy that you would like to share, email me and I will gladly print them and pass them on to family and friends. He was proud to serve with his squadron, and I know he has missed all of you that knew and served with him. Semper Fi........
SGT John Robinson USMC 1975-1986/0311

Posted : 2008-09-03 00:25