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The Passing of Geor...
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The Passing of George W Kott

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 550
Honorable Member
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It is my sad duty to yet again post the passing of another Lucky Red Lion. (George was also an HMM-161 squadron member in 1965 before joining HMM-363)

From Jim McCallum after speaking with George W Kott's widow today:

George W Kott Retired Master Gunnery Sergeant USMC Passed away quietly after a long health battle 0100 August 22, 2007.

Due to the delay in finding out it is too late for attendance to the Funeral today at their family Church.

George W. Kott will be laid to rest in the Tahoma National Cemetery.

If you need an address to send your condolences, please email me for the family home address.

Posted : 2007-08-25 14:14