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Taps for Pat O'...
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Taps for Pat O'Donnell

2 Posts
2 Users
Jim Wissmar
Posts: 24
Eminent Member
Topic starter

I regret to report the passing of Pat O'Donnell on January 6, 2005 . Pat will be laid to rest at the National Cemetary in Riverside Ca. on Tues. Jan. 11, 2005 . Pat served his country in W W - 2 , Korea , and two tours in V N . The first as the Line Chief for HMM - 165 and the 2nd. as the 1st/Sgt. of a grunt unit. I don't know of any C/C that didn't respect Pat .

Posted : 2005-01-09 13:14
Posts: 1030
Noble Member

I knew pat when I was in 302 he was one of the good guys.After he made 1st Sgt he stayed on as 302's 1st Sgt until he went to 1Sgt's school ,he never changed after making 1st Sgt he still drank beer with us low class Maintenance People. When we would walk into the SNCO club at LTA ever one would yell "look out here come F Troop" Pat usually had an answer for them. When he was 1stSgt he never made high demands for men for details he remembered what it was like in a helicopter squadron. We had a penny ante poker club that met ever week or so at someones home and there was 7 of us. Pat was a member of that club. The only members of that club still living are Charlie Daw, Ed Straka and myself The other members where Charles McQuillion, Art Hagen, Reggie Pellitter and Floyd Watson. "May God's Grace Shine On Them" . Semper Fi

Posted : 2005-01-10 11:07