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Taps for Col. Paul L.Moreau

5 Posts
5 Users
Jim Wissmar
Posts: 24
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Taps for Col. Paul L. Moreau . Paul passed away Friday Aug. 15 . in Santa Ana , Ca . Paul was the C. O. of HMM - 165 July , 71 - June 72 . Other Sqdns . I know he served with were VMO - 6 & HMM - 362 . Calling hours are 1500 - 2000 Aug. 19 at the Shannon - Bryan Mortuary 137 East Maple , Orange , Ca. (714) 771 - 1000 . Services Aug. 20 at 0900 .
Internment at the Riverside National Cemetary 11:45
A.M. staging area 4

Posted : 2003-08-18 18:45
Posts: 56
Trusted Member

God Bless the good. I only knew Paul through the 'net. He was always "up" and nary a word of his long time ailment.

May God Bless him, his family, our country and our Corps.

Oh boy! More Ham 'n Muthas

Posted : 2003-08-19 00:04
Posts: 0
New Member

Semper Fi, Colonel, Semper Fi.

Posted : 2003-08-19 07:20
G. Larry Larkin
Posts: 6
Active Member

Col. Paul L. Moreau

Worked for Paul Moreau, HMM-362 Maintenance Officer, 1963-64, Santa Ana, Ca. The maintenance office was limited in desks and chairs for the junior officers assigned. We would utilize his chair & desk when he was out of the office. Us Lieutenants were always in trouble, as Capt. Moreau would charge through the office door, head for HIS chair, and say " get your f****** a** out of MY CHAIR! Needless to say, the Maintenance Officer's chair remained mostly unoccupied when his was away.

A great UH-34 pilot, and a superb Maintenance Officer.

Very respectfully,

G. Larry Larkin
USMC (Retired)

Posted : 2003-08-19 21:27
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Posts: 73
Trusted Member

I knew Paul only a short time as I rejoined 165 from its det aboard LPH 10 in early 72 and not sure I flew with him or not but he was always stopping in maint cntl as we just across from RR to check out aircraft status. Him and Vince Plick now are flying mission for the higest commander of all

top A

Posted : 2003-08-21 00:15