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Sammy Burson HMM-16...
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Sammy Burson HMM-165

2 Posts
2 Users
Mike Wagner
Posts: 6
Active Member
Topic starter

Sammy Burson passed away at his home surrounded by family Monday,Sept. 1,2003. Services will be Thursday Sept.4,2003 at 10;00 a.m at the First Baptist Church Linden,Texas. Burial will be at the New Colony Cemetery. Haaland Family Funeral of Linden,Texas is in charge of the services.

Judy Burson
4125 C.R.1913
Linden,Texas 75563


I just received this email from Judy telling of Sammy's passing. You can read more about Sammy's RVN experience in the KIA Incident section under the date 680329.

Mike Wagner

Posted : 2003-09-03 09:19
Posts: 56
Trusted Member

Sammy was a part of 165 from March of '67 until his rotation home in March of '68.

Sammy survived a "multi bird" shootdown in the Ashau just a few days prior to his rotation date. (see posting refered by Mike.)

He has spent many of his years in helping other vets.

His condition (cancer) was grossely misdiagnosed (in the opinon of many, including those in the medical profession) by the VA. By the time the real problem was uncovered it was to late to do anything.

The world has lost another good man, outstanding Marine and true Warrior.

Oh boy! More Ham 'n Muthas

Posted : 2003-09-05 22:11