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RTB Col. Ural W. Bill Shadrick

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It is truly a sad day for the Marine Corps. One of our Heroes has joined the ranks of our Brothers in Heaven. Col. Shadrick was one of the finest men I have ever known, a true leader and a friend.

Mary Shadrick just sent me this email:

Dear Jake,

I am so sorry to have to write you to say that Col. Ural Wescott "Bill" Shadrick, USMC Ret. died peacefully in a nearby nursing home at 1:25 a.m. Friday morning, April 11, 2008. He was much loved and respected. He was 81 years old.

Bill died of Alzheimer's Disease and aspiration pneumonia. He had painkillers and oxygen and died in his sleep.

Before 12 hours had passed, the Demaine funeral home on Backlick Road had made all arrangements in a conference call with Arlington National Cemetery.

Bill's funeral will be with full military honors, including caisson. The first 11:00 a.m. available was Wednesday, July 16, 2008. The service will be at the Old Post Chapel at Fort Myer, with burial service to follow at Arlington. As many of you know, the Chapel is adjacent to the wall of the cemetery.

I am certain it will be a beautiful ceremony. Please e-mail this to our Marine friends. All are welcome to attend.

Semper fi, and my best to all of you.

Mary Shadrick
6546 Mapledale Court,
Falls Church, VA 22041
Home phone 703-354-8003

Posted : 2008-04-13 18:59
Posts: 13
Active Member

Rest In Peace

From Iwo Jima as a grunt, to Korea and Vietnam as an officer and a leader; Col. Bill Shadrick was an inspirational hero! I'm proud to have been called one of "Bill's Bastards"!

Semper Fi,

Kreig "Hip" Loftin
HMM 262, Vietnam Veterans Association
Crew Chief 67-68

Kreig "Hip" Loftin

HMM-262, Combat Helicopter Association

Posted : 2008-04-13 21:34
Posts: 0
New Member

A Bill's Bastard

I'm truly saddened by this news - indeed he was one of the finest Marines and Officers that anyone could have known and served under. He was a remarkable man and will be missed.

He really didn't like the name "Bill's Bastards", but he was like a father to all of us. I will always be proud to be one of his Bastards.

He has taken is last flight and RTB. He earned his rest for a job well done. May God continue to bless Mary and his family.

Our leader is now gone, but will never be forgotten.

Semper Fi

Posted : 2008-04-13 22:49
Posts: 4415
Famed Member

Our "Skipper" will be missed by all. I'm glad we all got to re-unite with Col Shadrick at our squadron reunion in DC and it was a pleasure to meet Mary his lovely wife. Bill will be guarding the gates for the rest of us along with our other fallen "Brothers". It will be a great place to go to when our time comes knowing our Skipper and Brothers will be there to show us the ropes. Taps Brother.
Semper Fi,

Posted : 2008-04-14 14:32
Posts: 125
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Funeral Plans - Arlington - July 16, 2008

I received this from Mary Shadrick this AM:

Bill will be buried with full military honors on July 16, 2008. The service will be at 11:00 a.m. in the Old Chapel at Fort Myer, followed by burial at Arlington National Cemetery.

Because Bill will have the caisson and horses, etc., there is a considerable wait. Arlington only does four of these per day. I thought Bill deserved it for the 36 days on Iwo Jima alone.

Bill died of Alzheimer's disease and of pneumonia. His breathing was labored, but he was on painkillers and was not aware of any struggle to breath and did not experience panic. He died peacefully in his sleep. Bill attended the Episcopal church with me and received the Prayers for the Dying and also unction in the hospital a few days before he died.

Placed in his casket with him were a love letter from me with a curl of my hair, his white Marine Corps gloves laid gently on top of his hands, and the beautiful Bally shoes from Switzerland that he wore only one time - at our wedding. I placed them beside his thighs.

I am not having a viewing, although I did have a private one for me. He did not really resemble himself very much, and I feel I made the right decision.
Even with his having Alzheimer's for the last six years, he was still mentally with me until the last three weeks. I was prepared for his death, but there is no way to express the grief and the loss. I know he was loved and respected by the men, as he was for over 25 years in this house by me.

I am so very grateful to all of the Marines who are e-mailing me with stories. It is absolutely wonderful. I love each and every one of them. I hope to see some at the funeral and at the reunion in August.

Mary Shadrick
6546 Mapledale Court,
Falls Church, VA 22041
Home phone 703-354-8003

Posted : 2008-04-16 11:07
Posts: 125
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For the "Skipper"

Mary Shadrick, the Skipper's widow, has expressed a desire to receive stories, comments, etc. about the Skipper.
Therefore, I am posting this request because although I have emailed most of the Old Tigers who served under Col. Shadrick in Vietnam, I am sure there are Marines who may read this, might have known him and have something to say.

I will gather up whatever you want to send me via email and present them to her. If anyone has something to say to Mary and the family, please email it to me at:


Semper Fi,


Posted : 2008-06-08 10:36