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Ray J. Varner
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Ray J. Varner

4 Posts
2 Users
Darrell Asplund
Posts: 33
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Born: 04 JUL 41
Died: 24 AUG 03

This is from the Portland, Oregon "Oregonian", 07 SEPT 03

" He was in the Marines for six years and served two tours
in Viet Nam. He was a member of helicopter Squadron 364,
the Purple Foxes. One day he flew three combat missions
to rescue Marines trapped by gunfire. He late told of hanging
out of the helicopter so his body could serve as ladder for the Marines."

Did any of you happen to know him?
I couldn't find him in our membership listing.
I wonder if he even knew of our organization?

Semper Fi

I'd rather fly than walk!

Darrell Asplund

Posted : 2003-09-09 02:01
Posts: 30
Eminent Member

Mr. Varner

I was with the Foxes a year & a half , 69 / 70. Never heard of the incident. Due to his age I' bet he was a Ky Ha Fox. I'll go to our web site & see what I can find out. All our Brothers should be rememberd. S/F ED

Posted : 2003-09-09 22:56
Darrell Asplund
Posts: 33
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Ray J. Varner

This is Ray Varner USMC!
Courtesy of HMM-364 WEB site & Stephanie Hanson.

Semper Fidelis

Attached files

Semper Fi

I'd rather fly than walk!

Darrell Asplund

Posted : 2003-09-10 02:09
Posts: 30
Eminent Member


He is on the Foxes roster, rank, Sgt. & a Fox 63 to 66. All the info I could find. S/F ED

Posted : 2003-09-10 20:21