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Paul W. Harris K.I....
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Paul W. Harris K.I.A. 13 MAR 1967

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Respond to: Jose.Roybal@HILL.af.mil

Mr. Barber I'm writing you this Email REF: Paul W. Harris K.I.A. 13 MAR 1967. I was Paul's wingman the day he was KIA. I ran into your popasmoke wed site merely by accident about six months ago I'm not a member yet POPASMOKE is definately a ***** website. I read Paul's KIA report (which has a recent update) on your web site. I would apreciate if you would read the update it will help explain why I'm writing to you. Somebody has really dropped the ball Ref: Paul Harris, It has take 39 years for him to get a grave stone, memorial service, recognition for the awards or metals he deserves which is extremely way over due. Paul is finally getting what he deserves his family and friends and highschool graduating class are going to hold a Memorial Tribute with full military honors on 30 Sep 2006 at Chillicothe, Ohio. his obituary and guest sign in can be read at www.hallerfuneralhome.com
What I'd like to ask you John if you would post this INFO. on your NOTAM board. So your members may offer condolances. Paul W. Harris was a crew chief in HMM 163.


Jose B. Roybal
HMM 163

Posted : 2006-09-28 18:41