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Passing of Mike Bra...
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Passing of Mike Bradshaw HMM - 165

2 Posts
2 Users
Jim Wissmar
Posts: 24
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Mike passed away April 22 , 2008 of what they think was a heart attack .
He served with 165 as a crewchief from 3/66 to 10/67 . I'll post the final arrangements on the squadron web site as I get them .He will be missed , and remembered .

Posted : 2008-04-27 18:11
Posts: 0
New Member

Sorry to hear about Mike's Passing away! Does seem like a good many of us are right in that age group. Guess its something to consider when we think of
our Reunions only every two years. Just thinking of the ones we will continue to lose,and miss by the next reunion. Don't get me wrong ,I know its a big money breaker for many of us . Maybe its time to try to keep intouch with more of our guys:( Thanks Jim for letting everyone Know. God Bless

Posted : 2008-04-27 23:38