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I received the following message from Ed Kufeldt re: the passing of John Boden VMO-6

"With sadness I'm informing you of John's death.  He was in VMO-6 in '66-67 and an outstanding Marine and pilot.  He died yesterday December 4th after a long battle with a rare lung disease.   His wife Pat called me this morning with this terrible news.  John's body will be cremated and his ashes will be scattered in the ocean near Ft. Lauderdale.  A celebration of life will occur in a couple of months in that area. The date has not been determined and I will notify squadron members when known. 

John and Pat moved to the Jacksonville area last year to be close to their daughter who looked after them.  If you would like to send a card or note, the address is Pat Boden & Family, 260 Marsh Cove Drive, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. 
John was not only a good friend, but an avid supporter of VMO-6.  He wrote the book Klondike Playboy  about becoming a Marine and his experiences in Vietnam and it is highly recommended.  Also, he was the first squadron member to visit the Bird 18 guys in the UK in 2019 and he brought back glowing details on their accomplishments and our need to support them.
Please keep Pat and John's family in your prayers.
Semper Fi,
Ed Kufeldt"
After suggesting donations be made to St. Jude Children's Hospital in John's memory, The following is Ed's reply:
"Great idea to send a donation to St. Jude in honor of John.  Since you are a wiz on getting Popasmoke to post things, would you please notify them about John's passing.  Every time I send them something it gets lost or they say they never received it.

SF,   Ed"


Posted : 2024-12-05 15:57