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Passing of Joe Mori...
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Passing of Joe Morin

8 Posts
4 Users
Jim Wissmar
Posts: 24
Eminent Member
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Joe suffered a massive stroke on Monday 10/18 and did not recover in any way, and passed wed. evening the 21. Tentative plans for funeral services are for Sat. 24 Oct. 09, Time to yet be determined. Wake and services will be held at New Piver Baptist Church, 45270 Hwy 429, St Amant, La. Joe served with HMM - 165 for most of 1969. Rest in Peace My Brother.

Posted : 2009-10-23 09:02
Jim Wissmar
Posts: 24
Eminent Member
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Services for Joe

Saturday Oct. 24 at the New River Baptist Church, 45270 Hwy. 429, St Amant, La. Viewing from 0900 - 1100 followed by services and burial in the church cemetary. Militaty Honors have been requested.

Posted : 2009-10-23 11:21
Posts: 592
Honorable Member


Maybe St. Peter will have a scooter for ya up there. Will miss you in Reno.


Posted : 2009-10-23 13:59
Posts: 3125
Active Members

Joe Morin

Sad news....Joe was one of the good guys. Always enjoyed his company and riding with him. He'll be missed!
Wizzy can you post his address for us to send condolences.....:(

Larry, I'm betting that the man upstairs has a new Ultra Classic for Joe.....

Posted : 2009-10-23 14:14
Posts: 592
Honorable Member

Rotorhead Riders


Sadly, Joe is at least the 3rd of our group from Reno that won't make the next ride. Dale DeBord, Daryl Taggert and now Joe. I know they will be there in spirit.

Posted : 2009-10-23 14:53
Posts: 0
New Member

Joe Morin

Joe was a good friend and also someone that always volunteered to help out at reunions. He will be missed. Semper Fi Joe.

Posted : 2009-10-23 16:48
Jim Wissmar
Posts: 24
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Home address for Jan

Sure thing Joe. 9252 Splitlog Rd, St. Amant La. 70774. For those who have the 165 locater list, you can find the phone number also. Others can e-mail me and I'll send it .

Posted : 2009-10-23 17:41
Posts: 0
New Member

Never Easy !

Of course JOE will be miss as many and its never easier as time goes bye. Yet its those times we ALL can remember that will substain us for the years to come. Thank God that we had found one another and had this time to become Friends closer these past 10 years. To me this is what started out to just be a party of sorts,with buddies we had knew back in the Nam. It has been much more then that and I want to thank God 1st and then those that have continue Popasmoke on for these past years. May More and More find this web site and have the comfort that many of us have found. Now I pray that God will again put his loving arms around The Family and Loved ones as they go down this path. God Bless and Keep you Joe, your already miss more then one can tell.

Posted : 2009-10-25 23:53