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MSGT Leroy Garrison
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MSGT Leroy Garrison

5 Posts
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Roy Garrison passed on Wed 18 May in North Carolina. He was in a retirement home having been injured when a young drunk ran him down. Dont have further info at this time. He was in HMX-1 years back & saw him at Marble Mountain Vietnam about 1967. He was a Sikorsky Rep at Okinawa after retiring from USMC. God speed my friend. Semper Fi PM

Posted : 2005-05-20 15:48
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

MSgt LeRoy Garrison

A sad ending for a fine Marine. I knew him only a few months but have remembered him for years. Thanks to Paul Moore for posting this notice. Our previous correspondence places you at Marble Mountain at an H&MS-16 beach party Oct 27,'65 which was hours before the attack on the facility. I trust two old friends raised a cold one to days gone by on that sunny afternoon. I've got a couple pictures posted under H&MS-16 of a few of the squadron personnel (sorry, none of you two) taken that day.

I find an obit at http://www.hendersonvillenews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050520/OBITUARIES/505200340/1001 .

Lowell Johnson

Posted : 2005-05-22 16:24
Posts: 0
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Roy Garrison

Thanks Lowell; Remember well 27 Oct 65 that you metioned. Yes we had a good get togather. Missed the night time action was at the VNAF side after returning from Marble Mt. Saw Roy just before he went to the retirement home. He was in bad shape from the effects of the rundown by that punk. He had one eye & could hardly hear. Not much was said but we both remembered many better times. Roy was always a hands on guy regardless of his billet or rank. He came over to the VNAF area at Danang & I helped him with some spares from the VNAF H34 crash birds. At 80+ years I have not many of my old Marine friends left, however surely appreciate the later ones that I am fortunate to be associated with. Semper Fi PM

Posted : 2005-05-22 18:39
Ernie Needham
Posts: 26
Eminent Member


It was sad to learn of Lee's passing. God rest his soul. In my mind I can't place him at Marble Mountain. Sure can from the old Santa Ana days. A mighty fine Marine and friend.

Ernie Needham

Posted : 2005-05-23 08:52
Frank D. Bermudez
Posts: 29
Eminent Member

Roy Garrison

Very sorry to hear of Roys passing. I remember him as a tech. rep. while I was stationed at MARTD Alameda. Great teacher, always had a smile on his face. He will be missed.

Frank Bermudez



Posted : 2005-05-23 09:35