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Msgt Ernest Needham
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Msgt Ernest Needham

3 Posts
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I always sent him a message on his birthday as a member here. This last birthday I was surprised not to recieve the usual reply. His name was in the last Quartery Semper Fidelis Taps. I had served with his Father a Warrant Officer back in AES 41 Cherry Pt in 1947. I also served with his Uncle a Warrant Officer in VMO-6 1953 during the Korean war. They were a Marine family !! They are surely missed !! RIP Semper Fidelis & God Bless!!!

Posted : 2013-08-25 02:35
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: Msgt Ernest Needham

I see my reply on Popasmoke was deleted Paul, so if you didn't see it I was saying how I have exchanged
several emails with him since my awakening in 2009 and started using computers.

I was sure he didn't remember me but as my first line chief when I hit HMX-1 in Jan. 1967 there was no
way I would ever forget him.

Dale Riley

Posted : 2013-08-27 17:06
Posts: 0
New Member

Re: Msgt Ernest Needham

Ernys Father at AES 41 1947 (lower Rt) Warrant Officer J. Needham. Dont have photo of his Uncle another Warrant Officer 1953 , VMO-6 Korea . SF PM

Attached files

Posted : 2013-08-28 15:01